View Full Version : hiv worry

22-05-08, 13:04
please somebody help me,ive got myself in right state convinced i have hiv.ill explain how i have got to this conclusion.5 years ago i had a one night stand and did not use anything,very very stupid i know and im certainly paying for it now with this worry.i have never had any other stds at any time.i have no symtoms of hiv,but i have a swollen gland on either side of my groin where i thought my ovaries were but nurse confirmed it is swollen glands i told her i was worried about hiv and she said i am low risk so not to worry and i would have felt unwell by now with big illnesses,i am now convinced i have hiv through this one exposure.ive looked on various websites and it states one exposure is low risk but i am now in a pretty bad state and can hardly see the screen through tears,i had alot of blood tests 4 years ago but not an hiv test,would these have picked up something was wrong with my immune system and then further tests done??
jennie xx

22-05-08, 13:15

Well this used to be one of huge fears and it took me about 4 tests to get it out of my head (i even went to a harley street doctor, paid 110.00 quid, and then thought she had performed it incorrectly!!)

The only way you will put it out of your mind is to have a test - guaranteed! Some terrence higgins trusts do instant testing - and anyway its no bad thing to have a full sexual health screen.

The risk is very low and minimal hun I promise, when I went to the gum clinic that is what I was told.
Please don't look on the web anymore, I convinced myself I was HIV + by reading into allsorts of bizarre literature on the web.

PM if you need to, have been through this fear many a time!


22-05-08, 18:02
Have posted on your other thread.:)

22-05-08, 18:05
i just pm'd u hugs xxxx

03-06-08, 12:22
I can't believe there is someone else like me!

This is one of my health anxieties. Eevery time I've been on Dr google this comes up as the answer to my symptoms.

You have asked a good question I'd like the answer to as well though. I know you have to have the proper test to be diagnosed, but would it show up as an irregularity in other blood tests if you had it? I have had numerous blood test as well as an opperation at one point and no one has said I have it but yet it still plays on my mind.

It all stems from a stupid comment someone made to me years ago when she said she'd asked her fiance to have a test before she slept with him !!! and had I ever thought of doing the same thing. Rediculous the things that happen to make us beleive stuff.

03-06-08, 13:46
I had this anxiety big time many years ago. My anxiety was completely alleviated when I came across a very different view point. Too long to go into here but check out the links below. There are always two sides to the same coin.



03-06-08, 19:23
Hi. :)

I don't know much about AIDS or HIV so I can't comment on that. One thing I can tell you is NOT to google anything, it doesn't help at all.

The more you read, the more worried/scared you become.

Don't google and go for a test :) I'm sure you'll be fine.
Emz xx

03-06-08, 23:59
Sorry to contradict Emaa's post, although the dont Google thing is spot on. Well heres my 10 cents worth based on quite a few years of research and having had a cousin who died of "AIDS". I would advise against getting a test. The so called 'HIV test' doesn't actually test for HIV. It reacts to antibodies that are known to be 'non specific' to HIV. Certain normal conditions can potentially create 'false positives' on an HIV test (see below).


Despite what most people have been lead to believe the 'HIV = AIDS' theory has never been proven to be correct. The debate has raged within the scientific and medical community since the mid 80's, with many prominent and nobel prize winning scientists voicing the opinion that HIV is NOT the cause of AIDS and that HIV has never been proven to exist by the strict criteria of virology. I know this may all sound crazy but please do the research and you will see that the orthodox argument is far from concrete. I would really advise watching the documentary all the way through that is linked below, it contains information that is contrary to the orthodox view and very rarely makes into into the public arena but is also very important to hear. If you need other links, message me and i will pass them on.



05-06-08, 23:20
I can certainly relate to this post.
I have been suffering from this since Nov 2007 and still struggling with it despite having negative tests.

Like Emira7 I had multiple tests, the first 2 at a Terrence Higgins fast test clinic the third was in a private clinic in Harley Street which cost £95 for the same test you can get done free at Terrence Higgins. I convinced myself I contracted hiv from a one night stand in Dec 2006 after splitting up with my wife. My GP who diagnoised depression also told me that it would just not happen from this sort of contact in the UK.

I can only comment from a personal point of view but it is really worth your while getting in touch with the Terrence Higgins Trust, they have been excellent. It might be worth calling the helpline first to help ease your fears. Having a test will hopefully prove to you that you are okay and can move on with your life. They usual take about 30 mins and the date and times are available on the website.

Also give the vast majority of websites a miss as they can easily make things worse. It's not a good condition to have and it is hard to stop.

Anyway hope this might help a bit, good luck.

06-06-08, 08:10
Sorry if I'm sounding like a stuck record here. Our fear of anything is often based on our perception of that thing. A change of perception also often helps us to loose the fear. A fear of HIV is only based on what you think you know about it. Like a lot of science nothing is carved in stone, many things thought of as definite now are proved to be flawed years later. For those with a fear based around HIV it would be prudent to watch this documentary (linked below) and you will see that many things concerning the HIV theory like the test etc may not be as you originally thought. Please don't get stuck in the rut, look outside the box. Wishing all of you the best.


06-06-08, 09:00
hi everyone
thank you so much for your replies and reassurance it has really helped.i start my counselling sessions today so hopefully they might help as well.again thank you so much

jennie xx

06-06-08, 09:11
Well this is quite confusing. How easy is it to catch this? I keep reading that it would be highly unlikely to get it from a one night stand. But surely this can happen? What is the definitive viewpoint on how much contact you have to have with someone?

06-06-08, 13:37
This website contains some very good and honest information about the 'HIV test'. It is worth reading points 1 to 10 on the first page. Best wishes.


06-06-08, 16:50
I'm so glad I'm not alone, I have had this HUGE worry for years about being HIV positive!
It all came to head recently when me and my DH needed HIV tests for our fertility treatment we are having and we had to wait 2 weeks for the results....

well i drove myself round the bend researching it and convincing myself i had it and passed it on to my daughter etc etc.

Thankfully it was all clear but I don't think part of me believes the result, like maybe they got it wrong! But I know this is all part of my anxiety as I can convince myself I have most things.

If you do decide to get tested make sure its a quick result one and don't have to wait 2 weeks like i did!