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22-05-08, 14:48
What happens when the fear is just too great to overcome it?
This is something i am really struggling with. MY fear (agoraphobia/panic attacks) are far greater than me, by far more powerful than my stupid weak mind.

How does one ever recover from such a debilitating illness?


22-05-08, 14:54
I don't really know bluebell. I have never felt that ANYthing was ever too great for me to overcome -- including this. I guess it's just all a state of mind, and what one is born with? How do you feel about other things in other areas of your life . . . as far as being able to overcome them? The same? Different? Looking at how you have overcome other setbacks in other areas of your life may give you some ideas on how to just take that and apply it to your anxiety and panic?

22-05-08, 14:57
Hi bluebell,

I can't really answer your question, because I am the same as you (agoraphobia and panic attacks) and I find the fear of the fear is by far the worst.

But I do know that we can get better, because 19 years ago, I was completely housebound with agoraphobia and after 7 years of being that way I did overcome it, by taking tiny steps bit by bit. I then spent 12 years completely free of it...well I say completely free, but I did used to get the odd panic attack here and there, but somehow (and this is what I dont understand) I managed to cope with them, and didnt end up where I was before.

Sadly though, now is another matter...I have been like this now for nearly 4 months and the one thing that keeps me going is knowing that I did beat this before...and I WILL do again, I just have to be realistic and know that it is not going to happen overnight.

Kaz xx

22-05-08, 15:23
Hi Bluebell ,

I don't have a solution..or a magic answer. I know from some of the replies you sent to my post that some of the things you are dealing with are similiar to mine...:hugs:

All I can say is that...I am still scared, but everyday I take a little step.
Nothing too grand , just a little at a time so I don't overwhelm myself and that way I don't disappoint myself if I don't accomplish my goal.
Hence...Baby Steps :).

I'm also really working hard at trying not to beat myself up so much anymore.
That's the hardest part for me...to stop the negative thoughts. Like I said...it's all about little steps and giving yourself a break.

You're doing good by reaching out and being on here...that's a great step to healing.

You're in my thoughts...take good care of yourself :flowers: ,


22-05-08, 17:33
Well, bluebell, I just wanted to add this before we begin our long, holiday weekend here in the States. I have visited your links and had a chance to view the video journals that you post. I'm no expert of course, but I get the feeling that you already have everything that you need to rise above your challenges and be successful. Now, this is just a hunch, of course. I may be wrong -- but I do not think that I am. You are bright, articulate, and seem to have a very good sense as to where you are at -- however high or low that may be at any particular moment. I also want to say that EACH ONE OF US has the ability -- without fail -- to accomplish whatever it is we wish to do in our lives. One just needs to find it in themselves. But please believe me (and millions of others who feel the same), it IS possible to accomplish whatever goal you set out to accomplish. So, if you truly want to beat this, from what I can tell, I think that you CAN and that you WILL. And, also, the Anxiety and Phobia workbook that you show in one of your video journals is absolutely excellent. It would be considered a lot of work by some people, but it is work, and time, that is well spent. Just remember . . . your success is ALREADY within you. Have faith in YOURSELF -- even if it is little by little by little each day. Go to a mirror, look yourself right in the eye, and say to yourself "Yes I can." Why? Because YES YOU CAN!