View Full Version : Fear of losing weight

22-05-08, 16:08
I wouldn't dream of telling anyone this but I know from experience how helpful and kind the members of this forum are. As I said in another thread I amd having a sigmoidoscopy soon after an attack of abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. I thought I was coping reasonably well with the wait, resonable for me is probably demented to most people. Anyway, with your help I was just about getting by until yesterday when a work colleague was getting changed with me in the cloakroom and asked if I had lost weight. A perfectly innocent question which frightened me rigid because the doctor asked if my weight had changed in hospital and I couldn't tell him that I am far to nervous to weigh myself because to me losing weight is a sign of imminent death.

I have spent a whol day feeling if my clothes feel loose but to be honest I am in such a state I convince myself that I have lost weight when I mught not have. Should I weigh myself in Boots as I have no scales bearing in mind the state I will be in if I have lost some or wait and see when I get to hospital. Is any one else out there too afraid to weigh themselves or is it just me?

milly jones
22-05-08, 17:02

IF u have lost weight it could be the anxiety

i lost several stone when i was first ill, but with a change of meds my appetite has improved

i find ha difficult to understand, but if it will continue to enhance ur anxiety u could opt to go weigh urself, so u are dealing with facts not worries

but bear in mind my weight fluctuates half a stone each way depending on how im dealing with my anxiety

hope this helps a little

milly xx

22-05-08, 21:18

I am the same. Since i started suffering HA (4months ago) i have lost well over a stone. I am slim anyway so i am starting to look ill. Everywhere i go whether its work or whatever people always say 'look at you wasting away' or 'blimey, youve lost a lot of weight' i try to ignore it or brush it off but deep down it just reminds me that i am ill. I am always worried about cancer and i know you lose a lot of weight with that so it keeps my anxiety up, then i lose my appetite and the circle goes on. My friends say to me 'right try not to lose anymore' if only they knew the half of it