View Full Version : exhausted?

09-04-05, 00:23
Does anybody have a good few days in a row and then feel exhausted?
I have just had a bad 24hrs mainly with What Ifs? I feel physically drained. This has happened before when ive had exceptionally good days on the trot.Its as if Im not allowed Good Days.

09-04-05, 00:25
SORRY< This is in completely wrong place. OOPs! Can it be moved?

09-04-05, 12:21
I have moved it Alexis - no worries.

I get the same thing the whole time. It's as if good days aren't allowed to last too long and all the worries have to come back, which really drain me out. This is very common amongst anxiety sufferers..

Sarah :D

09-04-05, 13:22
alexis hun,

you know where i am have already pm you.


your not alone on this

kairen x

09-04-05, 23:31

very common...a tired mind can make a tired body........but just think about the good days and how they always return....take the odd bad day as a blip an nothing more..........

take care


09-04-05, 23:32
hey alexis,
you are absolutely not alone, i get this all the time - it's almost like the more good days i have, the worse it is when i then feel bad.
i'm currently battling the 'what ifs', mainly by trying to replace negative what if's with positive ones. it's so hard!
of course you are allowed good days - i bet another one is only round the corner.
take care,
henri x

09-04-05, 23:38
Hi alexis
I can relate to this, I get good days and then after feel a wreck. You are not alone, it's almost the more good days I get I know that the bad days will hit me worse.

10-04-05, 00:29

We all get days like that so dont feel alone.

We are here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.