View Full Version : People who enter your life, and go.....

22-05-08, 21:42
Hi all,

I had my second week at my counselling skills course tonight. I'm really enjoying it.

We're not sat behind desks but in a circle. We don't take notes, but we talk, listen, and throw ideas onto the table. Its fan-bloomin-tastic :yesyes:

Anyway, a lady joined the group tonight who hadn't come the first week. I've never met such a warm, "happy with herself" person and her outlook on life was infectious.

I wont go into details about her life but she'd had a tragedy a few years ago and she says she's never been saddened by it, but it has changed her into the person she is and she looks at life a totally different way.

The strange thing was, is that she said in the group that she was only here for this one session. She didnt want to do the full ten weeks (even though she paid for them), and she said she knew from being here that this was the one and only session she would be attending. Maybe it answered some questions for her. I felt it was a shame though because I would have liked to have gotten to know her better :)

I just think there's something in the fact that you meet people randomly (or is it randomly?) who make such an impression on you, and as quick as they came into your life, they are gone. Almost like they have served their purpose and are moving on.

It just shows that even through tragedy, you can come out the other side and you can either embrace and accept what has past and move on with your life, or be eaten up by it.

I'm not saying its easy to just "move on". Its taken me years to get to where I am now - much more sure of ME and what I want from life. But it IS possible.

Keep going everybody, because we all deserve happiness and if we work at it, it will happen :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

22-05-08, 23:14
What a lovely post ! Just what I needed to hear ( read ) today.

Thank you,

~Rebecca xxx

22-05-08, 23:38
hiya great great post and i do agree i also think even bad people that come into your life serve a purpase cos with me they have made me realise i am a nice genuine, caring person, unlike them, who are weak and have made me stronger once i dealt with them. whether good or bad everything serves a purpose that we learn by and gain strength and wisdom.
hugs to u xxxxxxx

22-05-08, 23:42
Very true Donna, thanks for adding that :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

22-05-08, 23:48
hugs jo, glad your course going well :hugs: