View Full Version : I'm really nervous!!

23-05-08, 10:39
Hello everyone

Have so much to say but don't no where to start really - i'm really nervous.

I hope to post my story later - just wanted to say hello as i joined this week and thought it would be rude of me not to!

thank you


23-05-08, 10:47
Hi Karen. The great thing about this site is that everyone here is so understanding. I'm sure you'll find it a great benefit just as I have.

Welcome to the forum :)

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
23-05-08, 10:47
Hi Karen,
I understand you have reservations and being nervous.

I posted that I am an alcoholic yesterday, when your ready say whats on your mind,
My moto with forums is "Its just text on a screen"

We will be ready to listen (Or read! lol)

Take care,


23-05-08, 10:50
hi karen and welcome, this site is great and offers so much support for so many probs and issues that are actually so common, you will meet new friends here too, we are all lovely xx

23-05-08, 11:04
Hi Karen, NMP is a great site for help and support and for realising "you are not alone".

23-05-08, 11:08
hiya Karen, :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. i understand that you feel nervous and aint sure where to start yet, but plz dont be we are all lovely ppl here and we dont judge others in any way. when you feel ready we are here to listen and then give you as much help as we can.
keep posting.
take care.


23-05-08, 12:12
Hello Karen And Welcome...i Wish Ya Well......linda

eternally optimistic
23-05-08, 12:48
Hi Karen,

You should get loads from the website, you can off load, make friends and get confidence to realise you are not alone with your probs.

Hope you are feeling a bit more relaxed, grab a coffee and tap away.



23-05-08, 13:53
Hi Karen,

Welcome to the site. No need to be nervous, when you feel up to it, please post. Many others here will understand how you have been feeling and you will find support.



23-05-08, 15:32
Hi Karen

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

23-05-08, 16:53
Hi Karen, Were All In The Same Boat So U'll Get Nothing But Understading And Support Here I'm New Too X