View Full Version : nightmare

23-05-08, 12:25
i am a right mess the now need some advice my dauhgter who is 12 has had a bad throat infection but was going to school untill yesterday when she was really bad her whole throat had swelled up and she couldnt eat nor drink kept her off school and the only appoitemnt i could get with the doctor was today,

my parnter took her as i cant do doctors they sent her straight up to the hospital and i dropped my partner off and he has just called me to say that she is getting kept in and that the thoat has a abseess on it and right now there are numbing the throat and cutting the abess open to let the pus out,

she will be kept in untill tomorrow but this is the worse part i hate hospitals and i have to go up and vist her my sis and my dad are coming with me but im really scared and i have to go she has also a drip in her arm with antibotics in it to help,

they said they will take out the tonsills but they didnt say when.

i am really scared any advive would help


23-05-08, 12:46
hiya and im sorry about your daughter, i am not sure can can help with much advice on this apart from try and not think about it (hard i know) but thats how i do dentist as i really bad, just keeep busy until u need to go and dont think about anything negative and just go for it, keeping focused on postive stuff like your daughter and how strong u are and im sure u will be fine, hugs xx

eternally optimistic
23-05-08, 12:51
Hi Taylor,

dont panic yourself with panic and what might not be.

your baby would love to see you and you will feel gud seeing her.

explain to your dad and sister that you feel anxious and they will,
im sure, help you through it. WHEN YOU GET BACK HOME, YOU

Gud luck.


23-05-08, 13:57
Hi - the thought of hospitals is actually worse than the actual visit. Your girl will be delighted ( and proud!) to see you... so go with things to do ( a magazine you can flick through together) and have in your head things to chat to her about so you can focus on that rather than the panic. And have a bottle of water so if you feel the panic rising you can have a sip and gradually calm yourself back down.

Hugs - you will do it and you'll be very proud you did it.xxx

23-05-08, 14:02
great advice sam u would make a great counsellor xxxxx hugs xxxxxx

23-05-08, 15:23
I am the same hate hospitals if you phone and speak to the ward sister and explain your fears if you are lucky they will arrange for you to see your daughter in a room with just the one bed does not mean she will have to stay in that room on her own all the time just whilst you visit. Our son had glandular fever and quinceys last year so I know what you are going through, I also had it when I was 16 not nice at all. xxhugxx

24-05-08, 10:01
tks for the replys and the advice what happened was she refused to let them jag her or do anything to her so they sent her home with penicillin she has taken some of that and its working,

i did actually go up to the hospital and tried to have a word with her to tell her to let them do what they had to do but she was so scared and i know it cant be easy for her,