View Full Version : Wheres the light gone?

23-05-08, 13:20
I was doing much better, a raise in meds and a psychiatrist to talk too, i could honestly see a tiny glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel..... but now its gone! The anx is over powering again the depression is back, i dread the next min the next hour the next day.....
People try and help me saying you'll get highs and lows while you are on the road to recovery and prehaps thats true but how can that cheer you up when you dont know if its true, you dont have a definite outcome, if i knew i was definitely going to get better it would be copable, but i dont!
This really could be how its going to be forever!
Sorry this is such a depressing message, but it helps to vent how im feeling.
How do i get that glimpse of light (hope) back? Does anyone know?

Pink Panic
23-05-08, 13:33

The light is deffo still burning babe, it's just that you maybe can't see it today. :hugs:

I know when you are feeling bad it's sooo hard to be positive and we feel that things will never get better but please believe me they do.
The road to recovery is long and has many bumps and on down days i know i have felt so bad that everything seems impossible, even the smallest and easiest of tasks seem to take an immense effort. be kind to yourself and don't try to put pressure on yourself as this illness unfortunately takes time to heal and if you are anything like me and very impatient it's even harder to accept.
Have you tried talking to a Counsellor or CPN about how you are feeling as i know speaking personally that's what helped me get through it.

Love & Hugs and best wishes that you are feeling better real soon. :hugs:


23-05-08, 15:11
I too suffer with depression and when you're down you think it'll never get any better ;but it always does....
I think you know deep down ;that you have highs and lows which we all do; & all you can do is ride it; talk to people on here; keep yourself busy; perhaps with other peoples problems ;which is usually a great remedy. :) :bighug1:

23-05-08, 17:46
That glimpse of light hasn't gone away - its there when you're ready to see it again. There are no "lows" in recovery, these are the special times when you learn most - so welcome them. Popsy, you are much closer to recovery than you think, if you would but only believe it and yourself ! be patient, its yours for the taking.
be kind to yourself

23-05-08, 18:56
Hi Popsy,
It's horrible feeling that way. My depression has taken a downturn and so I know exactly what you mean. I try to do something each day and so at the moment I am on here. I don't really feel like it, but if I can push myself a bit, it takes "me out of me" and I usually feel that I've done something even if I don't feel "better". Be kind to yourself. I think we have good days and bad days, OK days and awful days. You are not alone xx

24-05-08, 10:07
Does anyone find they dont actually know what to think anymore? Its like i have no spontinaity, i have to think about all my actions and thoughts before i do them. Probabaly not explaining very well :(