View Full Version : Citalopram Upping Dose - Help!!!!!!!!!

23-05-08, 15:25
Hi everyone!
Am brand new to this site and was hoping for a little inspiration. I'll make it brief! In January I started getting panic attacks which led to general anxiety which then led to depression. I tried all the natural stuff which I found to be rubbish for me. Then I tried effexor and lexapro and got very sick from both. After much heartache I decided to try citalopram brand Citrol 10mg. After 10 days my doctor increased my dose to 20mg. I thought they would never kick in but they did after 2 weeks of the 20mg. For the next 4 weeks I was absolutley great, back to my old self again. So great that I went out and drank far too much tequila and the next day - panic! For the next week I felt down again and the doctor increased my dose to 30mg. I am on day 11 of 30mg. What I am wondering is from your experiences how long did it take for the benefits of upping the dose to kick in? I am trying to be positive but feel somewhat confused. It is 10 weeks since I began this SSRI, any input would be greatly appreciated.

23-05-08, 16:20
Hi Im on 40 mg of citalopram and I feel fine on that dose.I dont drink with mine.I found drinking alcohol made my anxiety and depression worse.Alot of antidepressants dont work to well with alcohol.:hugs:

23-05-08, 18:40
I'm on week 2 of 40mg having been on 20mg for several weeks before and now I feel MUCH more like my old self :yesyes:

24-05-08, 00:00
Hi im on week 5 of 30mg and its only in the last week or so that i have started to really feel the benefit of the increased dose... i guess it takes 4-6 weeks to get the meds into your system properly when you start them and its probably not much different when we up the dose... some people feel the beneits much quicker and we are all different but i think 4-6 weeks is the average....
Take Care

24-05-08, 11:40
Hi Asha

Trust your doctor with the dose as youre still taking only half of the max.

I started on 20mg and then went to 40mg. It will take 6-8 weeks to feel the full benefit so give yourself time and space.

Mine worked great and after 7 months on full dose I have started the slow withdrawal.

Trust you find this helpful


26-05-08, 19:59
Thanks to everyone who replied, Andrew, bluebell, caz and yorkylover, I will do as you say and wait for the full benefit, I did this while going from 10mg to 20mg so a few weeks shouldn't be too hard, love and light, ashaxxxxxxxxx:yesyes:

milly jones
27-05-08, 16:33

stick at it hun. im on 30mg and getting very mixed days. due back at hosp this week and as andy suggests go with ur gp. andy is a great support

milly xx