View Full Version : Do I have anxiety? ( please help)

09-04-05, 13:24
Ok the other day i was eating then suddenly felt out of air like i was choking, then i figured i just choked and payed no mind to it, then a few days later( a week from today) i had it again then after that felt like i couldnt breathe and was gasping for air, i went to the ER and they checked me and did Xrays and found nothing, eversince that day i haven't been able to eat because it feels like it's stuck on my throat and i start gasping for air, i can drink fine tho so i have been eating nothing but soup and yogurt, the other day i tried to eat something solid and felt like that again and went to another ER..they checked me and took another Xray..still nothing... now about 2 days ago i was out and was in a better mood so i decided to buy a cheese burger, i was able to eat half of it but that was it. Sometimes i feel like there is something in my throat but sometimes it feels like its not there nomore, and sometimes my mouth feels very dry, and sometimes i feel dizzy. Do you think that is anxiety? I would like to know because they Xrayed me (TWICE) and found nothing, and i would like maybe a comformation for comfort because i really dont wanna go and get a camera put down my throat, if it is anxiety is there any medication to cure it? because i'm starving for actual food and sick of soup and yogurt!!

Hi i'm John

09-04-05, 13:35
Also forgot to mention that i sleep fine, sometimes get this feelin like my throat is burning, and also it seems like i get these weirds things once in awhile like about 2 years ago there was a problem where i couldnt sleep for about 2 weeks and it went away, i also twich once in awhile but pretty much stopped after this problem thats occuring right now.

Hi i'm John

09-04-05, 15:08
hi John,

Welcome to the forum!! :)

It's difficult to say whether you have anxiety or not. It sounds like you could have a type of it but you don't seem to be suffering from the full set of symptoms. Lots of us get paranoid about eating, blinking our eyes, swallowing, etc but this is normally moreso a type of OCB. Do you get any other symptoms such as tight chest, palpitations, etc?

Sarah :D

09-04-05, 18:55
Hi John,

Sounds like you genuinely choked once and then got scared of the feeling and brought to mind next time and after that its in your memory and the thoughts of how it felt are too

You are not alone with a throat fear.

Tight throat : MORE HORRID SYMPTOMS!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1957)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-04-05, 19:01
Hi John

Welcome aboard the forum.

I get that lump in the throat a lot and it used to scare me but now I know it is anxiety so I can ignore it when I get it.

Hope you get some good advice and support here.


09-04-05, 19:29
Thanks for your responces, but the thing is the first time i chocked i wasent anxious and after that i forgot about it, then the next time i felt like that again after a few days i wasent even thinking about chocking.

Is there any medicine for this? I'm very very hungry

Hi i'm John

09-04-05, 19:38
No but your innards would have remembered for you.

Go for it - go from soup and ice cream to something like cereals and banana to tuna mayo and pear and then gradually by building on your successes grow your confidence to getting back to eating anything.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-04-05, 19:57
I been trying but i just cant do it, maybe i need time because its only been a week but this is realli affecting me. I'm desperate for some herbs or aspirins to cure this

Hi i'm John

09-04-05, 20:17
2 years ago i had that sleeping problem which eventually went away, do you think this is something like it?

Hi i'm John