View Full Version : Cant cope with this - am so fed up

24-05-08, 12:02

My anxiety came back about 6 months ago. For past 2 months its been bad, having panic attacks as well which i never really suffered with before.

My meds which used to work no longer work and iv been gradually coming off them slowly

Im now down to one tablet every other day.

For the past few days iv been feeling bad again, very anxious, panicky,scared and crying.

The doctor said its side effects of coming off the meds and to stick with it, but i just feel to bad today. I woke up feeling lite headed and scared and its still with me.

Feel like im not here to and i hate that feeling.

I didnt have much sleep last nite about 5 hours, and only about 5 nite before.

Maybe thats making me feel more anxious, i dont no.

Theres nothing anyone can do, i dont no why im typing this

I feel so bad the tears are coming now.:weep:

mandie x

24-05-08, 13:10
:bighug1: Hi Mandie I wrote to you the other day; & am sorry you're still feeling down... Having hardly any sleep isn't going to help; have you tried visualization but you have to concentrate hard to do it ?? It's terrible when you're coming off, or reducing medication; i know it's the weekend ,but maybe you're (you@re) doc needs to prescribe something else, while you cope with this withdrawl.. Don't forget we're all here to listen.. Take care ... from juanna

24-05-08, 13:10
Oh babe. MSN me, i know exactly how you are feeling, i know that doesnt help but you arent alone!!! :bighug1:
Big Love Charlie xxxxxx

24-05-08, 14:18
Thanks both of u,

im feeling so sorry for myself today.

Im feeling so giddy and not here.

cant get my head around the fact its just the anxiety and not something else.

my ears do feel bit blocked, maybe that exlains the giddiness

love mandie

24-05-08, 14:44

Coming off anxiety meds can be an absolute nightmare hun so please don't put yourself down. Your not feeling sorry for yourself, what you are feeling is real genuine symptom. Get as much support from friends and family as possible and i'm sure you will feel better real soon.

Take good care
Love Lisa

24-05-08, 15:00
hi Mandie

Well done for getting to the stage that you are able to come off meds. I've been off meds for three years now but remember that it was hell coming off them even though I reduced the dosage very slowly. The withdrawl would ease though after a few days, I woudl settle and then reduce the dose again(with advice of the doc of course). It was awful but well worth it. Stick with it and once the tablets are out of your system I'm sure you'll feel much better.

If you are feeling so bad that you can't cope though you should go back to see your doctor as sometimes they give you something like diazepam on very short term basis to help while you come of the meds.

Take care

24-05-08, 17:42
i was going to ask you if doc has prescribed you diazapam on a short term basis to help you while coming off? - apparently it can really help with the anxiety regarding the horrible side effects??? xxx

24-05-08, 19:47
I know not sleeping is bound to make you feel bad. Stick with coming off the meds and you will know how you 'really' feel. This is when you can start to understand what is going on without the interference of meds etc.
Hopefully it will level out and the anxiety wont be as bad.
I hope you can get some sort of therapy as this is helping me alot. Better than any medication as you come to realise the reasons behind the anxiety as well as ways to cope with the symptoms.
All the best. xxxx

24-05-08, 22:41
hi mandy sorry your feeling so down at the moment i no what you mean about the sleep thing i've been going through a similar thing myself i cant even get 2 hours sleep as i keep having panic attacks in the night there just so scary arnt they and its so hard to try and accept them do you get them in the night.im not on meds like you but i still cant sleep.anyway jutst 2let you no your not alone be thinking of you 2nite when i cant sleep you take care love lin x

24-05-08, 22:48
hi mandy just want to send you a big:bighug1: and say that you are doing well and i know its crap but you will feel better, stay strong and lots of people care for you on here and are here for you xxxxxxxxx

25-05-08, 01:03
Aww thank you everyone for your replies.

It means so much. I be lost without this site,

love mandie x

25-05-08, 11:15
I'm feeling SO panicky today, doesn't help I drank a fair bit last night, so feeling rubbish!

On reading this I have seen that what you're experiencing might be down to coming off the meds...I'm hoping my doc will put me on some...should I not take them if offered?x

25-05-08, 13:31

No, meds do help, u need to find the right ones.

Mine used to work and then they didnt.

Im to scared to start anything thing else.

love mandie x

25-05-08, 15:00
Hi Mandie,

Keep believing in yourself.
Coming off Meds can be really tough but the side-effects do pass.
Always focus on this as a positive step forward.
PanicsALot-yes,Meds can help.There is no shame in taking them at all.The importat thing is that they work for you.
Best wishes,

25-05-08, 17:31
Hiya Mandie

Horrible isn't it, I will be thinking of you, you have done the hard bit now, its just the final hurdle.

Lots of Love
