View Full Version : Pain in ear and throat.

24-05-08, 21:49
I have had this occasionally for years and it has been attributed to my severe neck problems affecting the nerves. Usually what happens is that if it lasts longer than 2 days I go to the Dr to check I haven't got an ear or throat infection and I am always told ear and throat totally fine and usually within 3 days it clears up completely.

I will wake up and find it very painful always left side of tongue at back to swallow or yawn and my ear on that side itches like crazy and feels as if someone is pulling my ear down. My tongue on that side feels tender as does all my mouth inside on the one side. I have awful ache in neck on that side that goes down to top of my shoulder and all my face and scalp on the one side tingles and again feels tender.My tmj joint also hurts on that side.

I had all the ent tests 7 years ago inc mri scan of brain.

I can get these attacks on and off for a few weeks then nothing for months on end.

My problem is that is a bank holiday and I am worrying that this time I have an ear or throat infection - my throat looks fine when I shine a torch in.

This has happened so many times over the years where I have panicked and asked to have my ear/throat checked and been told all is well and it could be related to my severe arthritis and prolpased neck disc but every time I still panic.

I am thinking that if it is still as bad tomorrow I will ring out of hours service but it takes at least an hour to get a call back unless life threatening and then the Dr is an hours drive away and my husband although wonderful does not understand my panic.

I don't expect anyone else to have my symptoms!! but just wanted to have a panic moment with you all.

24-05-08, 22:12
I always find it really helpful to share my panicky moments :)

All I can say to you is, with the amount of times you've been checked out, there's no way of it being anything serious.

And think about it, really, seeing as this is something that's been affecting you for a long while now, and you've had it checked out everytime, what are the chances of it being something different this time?

Try and distract yourself, and I hope you have a good bank holiday :)

All the best,

29-07-08, 04:02
I have been searching for the same exact symptoms as you. Just two days ago i began having tender gums and a swollen gland on one side. Today came the tender scalp and the side of my face is also tender. I have TMJ and it is on the same side as the rest of the problem. My ear also hurts and is severely itchy at times. I have no clue what it is, but it comes and goes. It isn't that often, but it is very unpleasant. It's nice to know that someone else knows what I am going through. I was freaking out until I found your post. Let me know if you find anything out and I will keep looking! Take care!

29-07-08, 11:05
I also have these symptoms - almost identical, and for what it's worth to you which may not be much, you have made me feel SO much better. I also check my mouth and tongue etc all the time and get my husband to do so - he can never see anything at all - nor could my GP.... I think that it must be anxiety related.... but sometimes, with me, it's so severe that I can't believe that it is.... I'm not sure how old you are but if it helps, apparently women in their late 30s can get these burning mouth and ear symptoms due to hormonal imbalance... nothing serious, just getting older! TMJ can cause these feelings too... and my GP recommended seeing an Osteopath... which I'm going to do as am being driven to despair by them. Anyway, having read your post I feel less isolated and hope that I can reassure you in some way that a) you aren't alone and b) I am now more willing to believe that it's not serious and just my anxiety playing tricks again.... and mouth cancer or anything like that would be seen...

22-08-09, 20:24
I am just wondering if anyone who left these posts ever figured out what it was? I have those symptoms....face feels tingly and hurts, throat, tongue and mouth hurt, almost feel swollen...anyone?