View Full Version : bloatedness and heart

24-05-08, 22:15
Hi, guys, I am just wondering if anyone felt this before. For me the problem is related to period, but that is just when I personally get the bloatedness, it doesn't really matter what causes the bloatedness. It's how it makes me feel. Some days around period I get really badly bloated, I have a need to burp a lot and it feels like burping would give me relief, but in fact the relief lasts one second maybe. What makes it so unbearable is that it feels like the air and the distended stomach is pressing on my heart, and it feels like it is beating faster. It's feels scary. I take Rennies and things that should help with the gas but nothing works...Every month I dread pms and period because of this, other things I can take, but I don't know what to do with this anymore. I sit here now and keep trying to breathe deeply and relieve the pressure on my diaphragm and my heart...:emot-fail:
Does anyone get this heart feeling with bloatedness?

24-05-08, 22:22
Yes Millie I do get this too.

Which is why if I am having a bout of funny heart fluttering (palpitations, missed beats, racing heart etc) they can often be worse just after eating a heavy meal. I don't have it all the time its just when my anxiety is high then yes I too will have it aggravated by wind.

A couple of things that help are drinking plenty of water through the day and eating lots of probiotic yoghurts or even taking a probiotic supplement because those two things help to keep a healthy gut and a healthy gut means less wind etc.

Piglet :flowers:

Cathy V
25-05-08, 13:03
Hi guys, so glad someone has asked about this coz i get it too. Mine isn't connected to periods but sometimes my stomach gets bigger and i feel so bloated after eating even a small meal. I don't feel a connection to my heart, tho i am an ectopic sufferer anyway, but when i feel bloated like this it makes me feel a little breathless. I also get the urge to burp, as if one long buuuuurp would make my stomach go down again...never happens tho!

I know i should drink more water than i do, just don't get the urge to drink it so often...ive always been bad at drinking lots of water even on a hot day, and ive tried the pro-biotic drinks and yoghurts and they give me stomach cramp and make me go to the loo! maybe i have a problem with the whole digestive thingy:wacko:

Be interesting to hear more about it from some of the other members tho.
cathy xxx :)