View Full Version : Depersonilsation?derealisim

25-05-08, 00:17
hi anyone suffer this it would be great to hear from fellow sufferes and how they cope..please list if you would how thismakes you feel and you cope

many thanks faith xxxx:wacko: :doh:

25-05-08, 00:43
Hi Faith:D

I have had this and its horrid:mad:

Now Im better I just ignore it if it starts

But it is hard

A good tip is to put an elastic band round your wrist and ping it every so often......sounds mad I know but brings you back to the here and now....give it a go:yesyes:

And at the end of the day it wont kill you I promise:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-05-08, 02:01
Hi! I joined today because I really need support from others who know what I'm going through.

Yes, I definitely experience depersonalization and derealization as a result of my anxiety/panic disorder. Those are the scariest aspects of this disorder for me. I have felt those feelings every day this week, and it is wearing me out and making me feel quite low!!

I don't usually allow msyelf to avoid the things that scare me, especially since I have three young children who need me to be a "normal" mom, but when I'm feeling this way, I do pamper myself a bit...avoid grocery stores with the awful fluorescent lighting, avoid driving on the highway as much as possible, etc. I try to stay as calm as possible, reminding myself that I'm not losing my mind, I don't have a brain tumor, it's just one more manifestation of this effing disorder! I also try to be aware of my breathing, and make sure that it isn't shallow.

Don't know that any of this helps. Just wanted to wish you well and say that I relate so much to your feelings!

25-05-08, 08:09
Hi Faith

Yes I too suffer from this but am slowly becoming better at dealing with it. Ofr me it is derealisation that effect me. I feel like things around me look different....somehow distant or smaller than normal, that sounds daft I know. I used to look round the room questioning whether it was all real. Sometimes 'd almost be too frightened to look.

I have read alot about it and as I have come to accept that it is a normal anxiety symptom that is really very common and that is no more harmless than any of the others I have started to not be so scared of it. When it does start I tend to recognise that it is because at that time I am feeling stressed anout something and find that distraction, I do cross stitch, helps to stop me focusing in on it.

Good luck with this but the main thing to remember is that you are not going mad and it is harmless.

Take care

25-05-08, 17:36
hiya. I get this a lot when im haveing a bad day. lkie andie said it is just another part of the anxitey. its normaly the result of a tierd and stressed mind and is harmless. try to have more relaxation time and do some nice slow deep breathing ( hard with 3 little ones i know). when you do get it, dont analize it and be wondering what its going on just distract yourself and keep your mind busy.

take care.


26-05-08, 00:04
Hi maisiesmumx

I too get this but not often, which I am pleased about. I get it usually during or after a panic attack.

I have had it driving the car and it honestly seems as though someone else is driving, my arms don't look like they belong to me, I have also been convinced I will be unable to move my legs driving because it feels as though I can't feel them, and they are not there.

It is an unpleasant experience but it usually passes fairly quickly, the downside is that it triggers further panic, but luckily I dont get this every time I panic.

I also get derealisation, and I can only describe this as some strange fairground effect, bordering on madness. I feel detached from reality, and my sound and vision is affected, noises seem to boom and echo and just.. er... well be a bit chaotic (like all the fairground noises'ish) and I feel like I am not really there, but on the outside looking in. Its peculiar to say the least, and it can be scarey. I just try to focus on taking a few deep breaths until it passes.

I am not sure this is the kind of reply that you were looking for.

Take care


26-05-08, 01:15
Hi Maisiesmum,:)

I have depersonalisation & derealisation. I feel like I have it most if not all of the time. Indeed, anytime that I 'check in' on my feelings thinking 'I wonder is it still there?' - it always is. The way that I feel with it is like I am living in a dream-like state. I feel like most of my body is not really here - that I just have eyes - it's like I can't feel the rest of my body.

Sometimes this feeling would get very strong just before I would go to sleep if I started thinking about 'life' - then it would start - thinking 'am I here or not'?

If I think about how I'm feeling with the depersonalisation/derealisation it seems to cause panic attacks. At times I feel like I am in a constant state of anxiety with it. I get it in different situations - all leading to panic & anxiety - driving, social situations.

The way I cope with it is I try to keep busy and think of something else. (Not always easy - try not to think of something and what's the first thing you think of?).:doh: I used to think that I was the only person who felt like this and this made it worse. It is only recently that I have found out that it is the bodies way of protecting us from increased anxiety - it is helpful to understand what it is. Take care xx :bighug1: