View Full Version : Feel like I am back at square 1

25-05-08, 03:08
Hi I have'nt been on here for some time now,, Frist I want to say, Positive thinking and keeping ur self buzzie is a very good way of over coming anxiety, i have been doing soooooo well the last few months, and then bang,, my other half starts talking about going on hoildays,, now the thought of getting on a plane is,,, well lets just say I would rather go heaven thats how bad I feel.. but the worse think about it is, the children.. I just know I am not ready to go on a plane. I do not know what to do. I feel like I am back at square 1 and feel like what is the point.... sorry for beening so ......:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

25-05-08, 06:43
What about this site http://www.flyingwithoutfear.com/

I will tell you about my Uncle Jack (no longer alive now). He worked as an engineer on the Jumbo jets at Heathrow, but he had never flown as he was to terrified too (despite getting staff discount).

Anyway my cousin and her hubbie decided to emigrate to Aus and as my aunt and uncle waved them off she said to him "Well we won't see them for another ten years or more."

My uncle asked her what she meant and her reply was "Well they won't be able to afford to fly (this was in the seventies when it was very expensive to fly out there) and we can't go out to see them as you won't fly."

This hit home to my uncle he realised if he didn't overcome his fear of flying he might not see his daughter again.

Anyway a few months later they booked their tickets and my uncle prepared himself for the long journey. They got on the plane he stuffed earplugs in and sat there with his eyes closed gripping on to the seat.

After a short while my aunt nudged him and told him they were airborne and to open his eyes.

To cut a long story short my uncle realised that it wasn't as bad as he had talked himself to believing and kicked himself for all the wasted opportunities.

And after that they flew to Australia once a year and to a relative in New York every other year.

My uncle died of old age about 10 years ago and my aunt now lives out in Australia near her daughter as does my other cousin (oh and they took my uncles ashes with them so he is there to):yesyes:

25-05-08, 12:45
hiya lilow. i know flying can be scary for ppl who have never done it befor. but the anticipation is normaly always worse than the deed. try not to be to over anxious about it hun you will be fine honestly. if you go ahead with your holiday tell the fight attendants that you are a very nervous flyer and they will take great care of you. they get ppl like us all the time and they are very understanding to your needs. Dont feel silly in telling em, they are very used to it. your doc can even give you something to relax you for the fight, my brother has it all the time when he flies.
lilow go for it hun dont let this anx make decisions about where you can and carnt go anymore.

love and happiness
take care.


eternally optimistic
25-05-08, 15:06
Hi ya

Know exactly where you're coming from. I too am getting jittery, I think, at the mention of holiday. I am desperate to go, but ideally not on a plane.

Do you think if you went to Doctors for some assisted medication, know its not ideal solution. I am contemplating this, just to help me break the cycle of the fear of the fear.

I dont consciously think about flying as being a bad thing, cant really explain what causes it - thats soooo annoying.

Try and relax about the mention of the holiday and see if you can do a compromise holiday, without the plane, maybe.

Good luck and keep in touch.