View Full Version : feeling blue

25-05-08, 07:28
Hi all,

I've been working very hard to tackle my agoraphobia, I take things slowly but I'm having a bad time. I think its because I'm doing things that make me feel anxious (thats why I avoid doing them ) but I'm determind not to let this thing win. I'm snappy and tired and feeling really down, does anybody elso feel like this the more they do? Think I just need to feel I'm not going mad.

Thanks all for listening don't have anyone elso to talk to that will understand. :weep:

25-05-08, 08:09
My daughter has hardly left the house in 5 years. She suffers from social paranoia (amongst other things) so as she is scared of people she will not go outside (she won't even talk to people on the phone or go to the door).

Like many people she was quite active before the onset of her problems she was doing A-level Maths in school, was a junior member of the local golf club, played cricket, tennis etc.

But now her only entertainment is the computer, TV and various games consoles. Fortunately she has the same sense of humour as me so when she is feeling up this helps her along.

She has a strong personality and I know one day she will be better, especially as one day she hopes to start surfing.

25-05-08, 08:27
It's no wonder your snappy if you're tired and run down. Patience with ourselves and others is one of the first things to go. You're doing the right thing by not giving in to it but we all have different levels of tolerance.

I think perhaps you've answered your own question in a way. If you are feeling down and tired then maybe it's time to take things a little easier and not push so hard until your energy levels are back to normal. It doesn't mean it's beaten you though so don't feel defeated or be hard on yourself.

There are lots of things that can effect how we manage these things like diet, hormones, quality of sleep etc.

It's so easy to look at only the negative things at these times and overlook the positive aspects which is your strength of will not to let it win and the confidence to write down your feelings and seek advice here.

It never fails to surprise me just how much of a physical toll it takes out of me if I actually make it out the door or even have a friend round to chat. Once after going out for the day after months of isolation it took me a week to recover. I was so so tired, I slept most of the day. It really can take it out of you.

No one expects you to be positive and full of energy all the time. The way you are feeling right now is perfectly natural. None of us are invincible.

I know exactly how you're feeling but you have many friends here who understand and are more than happy to lend you their support.

Best wishes lilly-lou, and remember you are not alone in this :)

25-05-08, 09:47
Thanks Gary,
I just think I'm sick of taking one step forward and ten steps back, it's so frustrating coz I've been doing so well I even managed a trip to a zoo last week which was a big achievment. I'm sure it will pass I'm just feeling a bit fragile today.

25-05-08, 10:12
Fragile is the word I use to express how I feel at times. When I feel like that I just attempt to sleep it off. I accept there is not much I can do in that state and let my body sort itself out. It's a routine that works for me. Works in the sense that I am able to deal with it calmly and just 'sit it out' waiting for it to pass. Ha, I've just read that back and I make it sound so easy. But of course it's not.

Your trip to the zoo deserves far more of your time than your temporary fragility. That's a brilliant thing you did. Don't lose sight of your achievments. Actually it can help to write them down so you can look back at them during these times when your head only wants to give you negative thoughts. Try it out, see if it helps.

Let's talk positive. Tell me about the Zoo trip Lilly-Lou?

25-05-08, 10:28
Hi Gary,

I haven't been on a trip to the zoo in maybe 6 yrs and the funny thing is when I went I really enjoyed myself and my 3yr old loved it. I never planned it just done it spur of the moment that way I can't wind myself up, I find it difficult to do things if they been planned for a while. I'm off to a petting farm Tue it a lot smaller than a zoo so I am confident this will go ok.

I know I should give my self more credit than I do and I'm working on that one, baby steps ey?
I wish I could sleep but I got a really busy house(6kids) and 2 of them are autistic with sleep disorders so they up at least 4-5 times a night, no wonder I'm so tired. Thanks for listening I really appreciate it :)

25-05-08, 10:42
hiya i think its a good idea not to plan things and just do it spare of the moment and then you wont get chance to panic about it and days of worry.

you sound like you doing really well and if u are panicking and are tired too you willbe grumpy, i am terrible if like that.
keep strong and you will get there xxxxxxxxx

25-05-08, 10:46
Thanks Donna x

25-05-08, 10:58
Yes I agree, it's that anticipation anxiety that'll get you every time. The more time I have to think about something, the more I tend to wind myself up over it. There is a meet-up in my area next Saturday for NMP members thats been on the cards now for about a month and I'm doing my best to keep it at the back of my mind and deal with it the day before at the earliest.

I realised after I posted the last message that it's far easier for a single bloke to 'switch off' than it is for a women to put responsibilites on hold whether she has a family or not. And it certainly sounds as if you have your hands full.

Please don't be hard on yourself though. You obviously cope far better than you give yourself credit for. Don't lose sight of how important you are to your children. Try to see yourself as they do, as a devoted, caring and loving soul.

I'm always just message away if you want to chat or have a moan. As we all are :)

Good luck for the petting farm. It sounds like fun:woof

25-05-08, 11:05
Thanks Gary,
Hope you have a good time at the meet-up try not to worry too much I'm sure you will get a lot out of it and its a good opportunity not to feel like the odd one out as all will be able to relate to you. lilly-lou