View Full Version : Direct Payments?

25-05-08, 13:14
I wondered if anyone has tried the Direct Payments scheme?
And if so is it working well ?
I was put on the scheme last year (April 07) instead of an ICSW worker (intensive community support worker).
This is a scheme where you become an employer and employ someone to help you with your difficulties (in my case to help me with my panic attacks and agoraphobia)

I tried this scheme last year for 8 months but I had problems finding someone who was able to help me. You are allowed to pay up to £8.90 an hour and allocated a number of hours (in my case I was allowed 6 hrs per week, if the person you employ charges more than £8.90 an hour then you make up the difference. You have to set up a bank account and the money you are allowed to pay goes into your account once a month, you then pay the person you employ - If the person you employ is NOT self employed then you have to pay the persons tax and you are also responsible for paying their holiday pay as well! (all hassle I could do without)
The last two months I was on this scheme I never went out and I lost all confidence with this scheme and came out last December.

The hardest part for me was finding someone suitable i.e. someone you can get on with, trust and have confidence in and also someone who has an understanding / experience of panic and agoraphobia - I didn't find anyone !!!!
My experience wasn't very good at all with this scheme and I do not want to try it again.
I wonder if anyone has had a positive experience of this scheme?

Cathy V
25-05-08, 13:26
I was amazed to read about this scheme...ive never heard of it before. I remember having a CPN assigned to me years ago to help with my anx and panics but he was employed directly by the NHS. I do know that later they stopped using CPNs in my area of west midlands. But this direct payments scheme sounds like it has the potential to make anx worse instead of better!

Yes it would be interesting to hear how others have coped with it.

Cathy V :)

25-05-08, 13:49
I believe this scheme is fairly new? It is not just for people with anxiety issues - I believe people who have mobility difficulties etc qualify for this scheme.

My Social worker put me on the Direct Payments because it is better for you?
As you get more hours a week of support/help as opposed to an ICSW - But in my opinion it is only better for you if it works well.

Another point I was told is that once this scheme is up and running successfully then you no longer need a social worker and any problems i.e. your anxiety worsens or you start finding it more difficult to go then you have to resolve this problem with the person you are employing- Which dosn't seem right to me?

Another point is - if you are found employing an illegal worker you could be fined up to £10,000. ?

I came out this scheme last December and asked to go back to an Icsw, I was put on the waiting list for an ICSW in January, I have now been told (May) I NO LONGER meet the criteria for an ICSW ?? (I don't know why because my anxiety issues are the same) and I have been offered this Direct Payments scheme again which I am not keen on.

26-05-08, 02:37
Hi there,

We've used this scheme since 2002 and it's made a huge difference to my wifes well being. She suffers from Schizophrenia.

I became very frustrated that we weren't getting any support and then this scheme was offered to us because she could get much more help through this than through social services.

At first I turned the sheme down because I thought it would be too much hassle especially if PAYE came into it. However, I changed my mind when nothing else was available and the scheme actually runs very smoothly without any hassle at all.

We've employed a number of helpers over the years as some have moved on and others have taken their place but we have never had any trouble finding suitable helpers. I've found some through "word of mouth" but mainly through placing adverts in newsagents. None of the helpers have any experience of mental illness but they are very patient and understanding with my wife and her illness. I have also talked to them about my own anxiety and they all know I used to self harm and took overdoses, and they've been very understanding with my issues.

They mainly take my wife shopping, walking, etc but if she doesn't feel up to it, she just lets them know.

I monitor all payments and keep the records required but I've actually found it very simple to operate which surprised me.

My wife is still under the mental health team and still has a CPN and psychiatrist.

If you would like to ask me more then please feel free to pm me as I do feel that the right helpers can be found and they can be of great benefit.

One other thought. It is also possible to get hold of befrienders through charities such as MIND, church organisations and voluntary care groups.

26-05-08, 11:58
Hello Bill,
You do seem to have had a very positive experience with the direct payments scheme.
My experience however wasn't so positive I tried 3 different people.

If some one is going to be taking you out in their car then they have to have business insurance on their car policy, 1 of the people I was going to employ couldn't get business insurance without paying an extra £400.00. which they wouldn't pay(apparently it is only normally an extra £30.00) so I wasn't allowed to employ them.
I had a small disagreement with the first person I employed, they got frustrated with me because I was struggling to go out one day, so they left early but demanded two hours pay even though they chose to leave early and hadn't done two hours - in the end I payed them for two hours just to get them out of my own house - Which isn't a good situation to be in when you suffer with anxiety and panic, their behavior that day wasn't acceptable to me.
The last person was from an agency but he was so quiet I just didn't have any confidence in him.

27-05-08, 02:30
Hi there,

I can remember this issue regarding business insurance. When helpers notify their insurers that they will be taking passengers, the insurers assume that they require the same cover that a taxi driver would need which is why they say they need business insurance. However, the passenger should come under the helpers ordinary insurance cover with no extra cost which the insurers will do once it's explained regarding the role of the helper and that they're not "self-employed taxi drivers".

As for finding helpers in general, it can be trial and error just as it is for an employer finding suitable staff so it can take time to find the "right" one but they are out there. Try asking your local MIND group. Sometimes "good" helpers can be found through word of mouth and asking in areas that deal with mental health.

When someone wants to try direct payments, you should also have support from a charity worker to help you get the scheme off the ground.

I heard that the government will be expanding the scheme for the elderly as well so better support should be available.

Please let me know if I can offer any advice.

27-05-08, 03:06
I was working this scheme with diasabled people when it was first introduced. Some people liked it because it gave them more independence - they could choose who worked for them and at what times, instead of having to fit in with the hours carers had to be with other clients.

A lot depends on the amount you are granted. There can be hassles with paying wages, especially if the person has another job already, when the rules for 2nd job tax come into force, and if your worker becomes pregnant.
However, you should not be left alone to run the scheme. There should be an Advisor you can call on for help.

Good luck with it. :)