View Full Version : Shiver feeling in head

25-05-08, 13:22

Does anyone else get this.

Its like when your cold and u shiver and get goosebumps on your arms, but the feeling is in your head

Iv been ok today and now this has happened im getting hot and panicky

love mandie x

25-05-08, 13:32
:) Hi Mandie; i think it's probably all part of the stress response because you've had a tough time recently.. Did you sleep better last night ?? Juanna

25-05-08, 13:43

Yes i did thank you. I had about 7 hours which is a good nites sleep for me.

I felt quite good this morning, then out of the blue i got thsis head shiver.

It could be cause i have to drive down to boyfriends now and its an hour journey.

Im not frightened of driving but i did have trouble with car last week so may im inwardly panicking

love mandie

25-05-08, 15:20
See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_zaps
and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome

I know the names sound alarming but it doesn't seem to be anything to be concerned about, so please don't worry.

A lot of people experience these type of spasms. I've had them off and on for years with no increase or worsening in severity. I also get muscle spasms too when I'm dropping off to sleep sometimes and it feels as if my entire body just lifts up off the bed by several inches. Very odd but again nothing really to be overly concerned by as far as I've been able to tell.

Hope this helps mandie. :)

25-05-08, 15:28
Hi mandie
I don't know if this is the same as what you described but I get a kind of goosebumps feeling spreading over one side of my head. Had it a few times recently and worried a bit about it but I'm sure it's all to do with anxiety as have also experienced a rise in health anxiety symptoms.
Hope you are feeling better now
Beth x

14-03-11, 05:39
Be fuddled I'm having this too and its scaring me so much I dunno what it is!

14-03-11, 08:06

I get this too. It starts off in my head but seems to move down over my body - very bizarre!!

K xx

14-03-11, 10:10
I get this too! It's very random and I can't relate it to anything specific. I'd describe it like a little rush of tingles either on one side of my head or sometimes all over, it lasts for something like 5-10 seconds and might just happen once or a few times in a row.


15-03-11, 21:20
I just posted almost the exact same thing! For some reason when I searched the topic, yours didn't show up until I already posted it! But yes, I've had the same thing happen to me. I was starting to convince myself that it was a problem with my blood pressure up until everybody here reassured me that it's good old anxiety again!

16-03-11, 22:13
I just posted almost the exact same thing! For some reason when I searched the topic, yours didn't show up until I already posted it! But yes, I've had the same thing happen to me. I was starting to convince myself that it was a problem with my blood pressure up until everybody here reassured me that it's good old anxiety again!

I just posted on your post about goosebumps and said i was sure i had post about this on here myself, and then i saw this, my old post lol

mandie x

17-03-11, 21:35
I get this too! It's very random and I can't relate it to anything specific. I'd describe it like a little rush of tingles either on one side of my head or sometimes all over, it lasts for something like 5-10 seconds and might just happen once or a few times in a row.


Kel, I was trying to describe them and saw your post, which is much like I get apart from my head has been feeling fuzzy for several days now, I put it down to the massive panic attack I had after a period of stability which has knocked me sideways, can be very frightening though and trigger a full blown attack for me oh the joys lol much love to all x

nikki- yvonne
11-07-15, 12:10
I am getting a shivery feeling down one side of my head and then goes after 5-10 seconds afterwards - is it anything to worry about - i started Venlafaxine 3 weeks ago .

11-07-15, 12:22
yes I do have it from time to time.

15-07-15, 03:02

As it relates to ven start-up, this was a normal side effect for me. It is just the ven settling in. It seems alarming I know, and to a lesser extent may happen with increases especially at first, but it is nothing to worry about, just the ven settling in. I also had a lot of "butterflies" and tightening of my stomach muscles, but when I read more on how many serotonin receptors are located in the gut, it began to make sense.

As with all the other s/e, the important thing is to give them a good 6 weeks to subside and THEN you can judge the venlaxafine on it's merits. That's when to consider if you are as affected by depression and worry as you were before starting. The effects may still be subtle at this point, but for me I remember realizing that it had been some days since I had last cried in hopelessness, and that was enough to recognize that it was helping. It is subtle much of the time, but slowly and over time you will notice the benefits if you are able to stick with it. Best of all, once the fuzzy-head/foggy brain side effect left, I have been able to think clearly since, like my old self, but better, in that I can usually steer right away from negative thoughts.

For me, to be able to escape constant worry and sadness, without numbing my mind or feelings, is what I was looking for. I hope you find what you need as well, keep us posted! :)

(ps thanks all for an interesting discussion of this symptom, if nothing else, it is common enough generally for me to conclude that it doesn't mean anything dire! Perhaps our brain just normally shifts gears a bit occasionally, and it's just different sets of nerves getting activated. Probably happens more often than we are aware of, and we only notice because we aren't asleep or in the middle of something when it has happened to us! ;))

14-03-17, 14:11
I have just stumbled across this forum post as I search the shiver feelings in head. As nobody seemed to have the answers here I have also just stumbed across this which I believe to be the explanation.


ASMR - "static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine" "signifies the subjective experience of 'low-grade euphoria' characterized by 'a combination of positive feelings, and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin'. It is most commonly triggered by specific acoustic, visual and digital media stimuli, ..."

I get this a lot, many times when I'm listening to a really good piece of music or remembering something that means a lot. I imagine it to be the feeling of jumping from a steady emotional state to an extreme one so quickly, that the fizzling is like the aftermath static from our brain neurons firing up at once, like one electrical tidal wave :)