View Full Version : boobs again!! been to dc, keep poking tho!ne one else

25-05-08, 14:34
everyone been so great with me with my other posts bout this so sorry im here again!! went back to my normal gp who gave me nothe breast check cos other doc had scared me little talking bout scans etc!! ne way he said its a fibroid, and not concerned at all,drew me a diagram, said i could have a scan if i wanted , to put my mind at ease (id rather not) and he has been a gp for 35 yrs! so think hes felt a few bumps in his time!!
but he certainly didnt feel it necessary, as some woman he has sent with no choice and if he was worried hed send me too. i came off the pill id been on for a month, and now my hormones mad again boobs painful again!! and flared up veiny etc, and now ive been poking ive found hard little lumpy bits like beads nearer to my nipple. tmi im sorry, but does ne one else get these? im driving evertyone mad at home.. theyre like little sharp lumps if you know wot i mean! god i wish i could stop being soch a hypocondriact!!(spelling) lol
becca xx

25-05-08, 14:52
Hiya Becca

Personally I think boobs can be some sort of external hormonal gage to whats going on inside, certain times of the month they can go through all wierd and wonderful changes, sometimes mine seem to thicken and appear to have grown overnight (its not wishful thinking as I have plenty!!!!!!) Try not to poke about I have the same as you it is perfectly normal but if you start poking and proding you will make them sore and thus will notice them more I think your doc has given you sound advice, some women have what drs term naturally lumpy breasts anyway you should always touch your breasts with the pads of your fingers do not poke because you will feel lumps this way don't forget what they were designed for and there all sorts of ducts etc in them and this will change size and shape from time to time, if you are still worried go and see your practice nurse or family planning clinic get them to show you how to examine your breasts properly and learn what feels normal for you. Again be very careful around the area of your nipples as this area is very tender and you could injure yourself by excessive poking and proding.

Hope this helps in some way


25-05-08, 15:12
Bless you Im going through bad breast issues like you.
Mine are lumpy the more I poke and prod the more lumps I feel. My leftie seems worse than my righty are yours the same?
Making matters worse my mum died of breast cancer when she was 56 so I am soooooo parinoid about the breast cancer.
Im going to the docs on Tuesday as there is a certain area on my left boob that im not happy with sometimes it seems lumpier than others but think I will get it checked anyhow ( pray its ok) I also get sore boobs worse around my period but still sore all the time IYKWIM might have something to do with the poking and prodding they recieve:blush: .

Glad yours all turned out ok heres hoping mine do to.

25-05-08, 15:36
hi, thanks debbie!! kate my right ones my worry, get big squidgy lump on top bit of my boob, which goes hard then softish bit like a sausage!! i get scared when goes hard!! but in my heart and like dc said its moveable so not worried and had a long time!! my family goin mad as i think the doctors wrong!! mad isnt it eh!! my little lumps are like beads shouldnt be poking i know!!!in the lower part of my boob!! xx

25-05-08, 21:04
hi bexy,
please dont owrry mine feel exactly the same and some people do have lumpy breasts and fibroids,mine is a fibroid and they are really lumpy if the dr was any bit concerned they would have sent you to be on the safe side they cant not send you,even if there is the tinest bit of doubt you would have been at the hospital (i wish i could take my advice sometimes!!),please dont worry it will be exactly what they say it is.please dont poke as you will make it sore.

take care
jennie xx

25-05-08, 21:09
Hi Bexy
If you're talking about around the areola (the darker bit around the nipple) then yes I have sharpish beadlike bumps aswell that I can feel when i prod them. I wouldn't worry, I think its normal...

25-05-08, 22:24
thanks everyone, im driving my family insane!! my rational mind knows my doc right etc!!! just my bloody head playing games xxx:doh:

25-05-08, 22:56
Apparently one of my breasts is very lumpy but I had a mammogram 2 years ago and it was fine.

They told me it is normal to have a lumpy one so I trusted them as this was done on BUPA at a private hospital.

26-05-08, 14:25
hi again, typical, my big lump gone down ish, b
now i,m worried bout the beady sharpish feeling one, ones quite prominant but can feel tiny other ones!! ne one know wot they are!! i do have to press quite hard to feel them!! god wish this fear would go away i wnt to be happy again :doh: xx

26-05-08, 20:23

27-05-08, 08:27
I personally would go and have an ultra-sound - NOT because there is anything wrong, but purely to put your mind at ease. They will be able to identify all the little nodules, cysts, fibroids that you may have and these will be reported back to your GP. He can then go through the results with you and show you where they are. This way you will know what's normal for you :D .

I have very lumpy breasts and have had mine checked every 2 years just so that I know what is normal for me.