View Full Version : Propraolol??

25-05-08, 16:09
Anyone taking it if so what side effects do you get from it please. So far I have been fighting without meds even though gp gave me scrpt for propanolol, I am now thinking tht I may have to resort to using them. But I am very very sensitive to meds even paracetamol can knock me out. xxhugxx

25-05-08, 16:26
Did you mean Propranolol?

I think your n went walkabout.:)

Like most medications there is a list of side effects, the manufacturers list them to cover themselves. You might not get any one the side effects at all it is just the luck of the draw. Was there not an information slip in with the medication?

Fingers crossed you won't get any of them.

25-05-08, 16:50
hi ive had these they didnt really work for me but we are all different i didnt have no side effects excpet they made my psoriosis worse thats why dr took me off them worth a try thry may help you good luck


25-05-08, 18:21
I'm on them at the moment. I was on 40mg twice a day, I didn't have many side effects... until I ran out and couldn't get to the doctor soon enough to get more. I had major dizzy spells, I was being literally sick and my eyes went out of focus for more than a day. I'm just telling you the truth how it was.

I went back to the doctor and she's put me on 80mg once a day now. I have the occasional dizzy spell especially when standing up and that's about it.


25-05-08, 18:31
Noonoo thanks for that, cannot take them then as my major symptom is loss of balance. Thank you for being honest with me. xxhugxx:hugs:

Cathy V
25-05-08, 23:39
I suppose the worst thing about giving advice about meds is that we have to be a bit careful not to scare you, coz everyone reacts in a different way, but i agree with noonoo in that we also have to be honest.

Alot of ppl on here have had propranolol and alot of ppl swear by them for the good they can do. Unfortunately they didn't agree with me. I was given them last september at 80mg slow release daily. At first they seemed to be ok, but then about 3 months ago i started to feel anxious and my ectopics came back after a year without them. I also put on alot of weight in the 8 months i was on them, about a stone and a half without changing my diet, and mostly around my middle...a spare tyre id never had in my life before! they also made me feel out of breath just walking along the street, and going upstairs was an ordeal. If i bent down to pick something up id really feel bad when i straightened up again, sort of a weakness through mx whole system, and i'd have to stand and wait for it to pass.

So about 3 weeks ago my doc changed me to another beta blocker called Bisoprolol 5mg a day, and up til now theyve been much better for me. I still get a bit breathless walking but nothing like i did, and the ectopics are not so pronounced. In fact ive had more days without the ectopics than with them lately. That might be just a coincidence coz they do come and go anyway, but ive had them this time for about 3 months without a break and they don't seem so bad with the new meds. I'm now hoping that some of the weight comes off too :D

Cathy xxx