View Full Version : Could it be physical?

25-05-08, 20:23
Before anyone else says it :blush: i know im clutching at straws here :blush: BUT i am well into the mental health system now, psychiatrist, CPN, anti-depressents, diazapam, the works. But i was just wondering could there be anyway i might have anything physical thats causing my symtoms? I mean i know i am an anxious person, but ive never actually been checked or told it could be anything else but GAD/Panic Disorder.
Could i ask to have a medical or anything? Also, if i did what could i suggest i was checked for?
I know what people are going to think when they read this, cos i probably would too, but i mean i could have a thyroid condition for example which ive heard can mimic anxiety symtoms and now im in the mental health system no one is going to check for that are they? :shrug: Would a doctor just tell be to bu**er off if i asked for a check thinking 'oh no shes just an anxious person waisting my time!'.
Really, im not asking for people to suggest illness' i might have so i can start thinking ive got them, i just wondered what others thought and if they have been checked for anything physical that might cause their symtoms? :shrug:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys.

25-05-08, 20:36
Hi Popsy,
It would be a good idea to talk it over with your CPN, most things that mimic anxiety/panics can be checked out with blood and urine tests.
But I would have thought you would have more physical symptoms if it was anything else , Thyroid for example causes rapid weight loss and changes to your skin texture.

Cathy V
25-05-08, 21:08
Hiya, I'm surprised the doc hasn't taken any blood tests to eliminate things that can as you said, mimic symptoms of anxiety. Most of the ppl on nmp have had various tests done, and i guess its because weve been told that theres nothing physically wrong that we find ourselves on nmp, because its like we're saying 'what now?' and then we have to try to grasp the idea of it then being 'all in the mind'. But I always thought this should come after the tests not before them!

I'd certainly have a word with someone about the possibilty of having some blood tests done for your peace of mind.

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

25-05-08, 22:39
Hiya Charlie

How long have u had this for?

Iv suffered for 5 years on and off and have only ever had one blood test which was bout 2 years ago.

I keep thinking that i have something else wrong, but because i have the anxiety,the doctor puts it down to that all the time.

I think we should both get a blood test to put our minds at rest.

love mandie x

25-05-08, 23:42
Anxiety causes all kinds of very convincing physical symptoms. But the worst of all that the anxiety produces is the fear of the symptoms, which would suggest they're anxiety related.

Of course, in this situation rational thought goes out the window, and there is always that possibility of a real physical ailment. If you have a good Dr, they should be able to give you a check up (if you describe your symptoms they'll know what to look for) and hopefully that will help put your mind at rest.

26-05-08, 10:44
I suffered from panic disorder which started slowly in 1996, after i was finally given medication in 2000 it helped so much that i had 8 years of 'wellness' but kept on a low 10mg doseage. The SUDDENLY 4 and a half months ago i had a massive panic attack and the anxiety has got worse and worse and now i am being treated again for GAD/panic disorder but with double the doseage of anti-depressent i ever needed before and diazapam (which i never had before) i am MUCH worse this time. I dont understand why the symtoms so suddenly re-appeared and my psychistrist just puts this down to lots of little things building up and causing a relapse. I dont seem to have a real trauma or anything that restarted the anx.
Thats why im questioning a physical reason, its seems fair enough that it isnt really, but no one has even suggested that i should be tested for anything else! Thats why i posted this message.
C xxxx

26-05-08, 14:53
It certainly could be.

I suffered with panic and anxiety for over 25 years but eventually found it was down to Low Blood Sugar, Reactive Hypoglycaemia, or Non Diabetic Hypoglycaemia.

When a persons blood suagr drops your adrenaline kicks in to keep you consious. Symptoms include sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, anxiety etc etc


Typed that out a while ago. I hope that helps

26-05-08, 16:57
Shakey thats all really interesting.
How have you treated the hypoglycaemia? Because i think even if people dont have that its good to keep your blood sugar levels as even as possible, isnt it? - when suffering with anx.
I know i am finding it really difficult to eat very much at the moment due to my anx, im just not hungry, my stomach is so churned (i have lost 2 and a half stone in 5 months), im sure this in turn is making me more anxious. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much C xxxx

26-05-08, 21:35

After living with anixety for 19 years (am 29) and having had numerous lables put on it and having tried nearly all the treatments available, you do get to the point where you start to think it must be physical. Dealing with a condition which is 'mind over matter' as someone I know called it is bloody hard work!

I asked my Dr (and my brother in law who is a dr in this field) about this and basically it's very rare that a phyiscal illness causes general anixity condidtions. I did have some test done but mainly to put my mind at rest and nothing has ever come up.

I get the feeling you are really fed up with it all and I don't blame you, you have every right to want to look at all the options. Go have chat with your dr if they are any good they should be able to run a few tests and put your mind at rest on that front.

27-05-08, 03:02
i had 8 years of 'wellness'........... SUDDENLY 4 and a half months ago i had a massive panic attack and the anxiety has got worse.........my psychistrist just puts this down to lots of little things building up and causing a relapse.....i am finding it really difficult to eat very much at the moment due to my anx, im just not hungry, my stomach is so churned

For 8 years you were coping fine but there were most probably pressures and stresses in your life which over a long period of time were building up causing your recent panic attack.

Your panic attack has now frightened you and now made you worry about your physical and mental health, so much so that your body is now also reacting to your worries causing your stomach to churn causing your loss of appetite.

You need to take a step back and look at the events that were going on in your life before your panic attack. That's where you'll find the actual causes to your anxiety. The panic attack has just caused you to worry more and that worry is making you feel more ill sending you in a downward spiral. By stepping back and looking back at the actual causes, it'll help you to worry less and begin the upward climb to getting better.:hugs:

27-05-08, 10:05
I asked my Dr (and my brother in law who is a dr in this field) about this and basically it's very rare that a phyiscal illness causes general anixity condidtions.I'm sorry to contradict your brother in law and other doctors, but from the age of 16 I had anxiety and panic but never once did they investigate me properly. I used to feel "dizzy" of a morning after I'd eaten food and found if I ate again it would go. Only for meeting a diabetic years later did she tell me what a drop in a persons blood sugar does. I had to do a lot of detective work myself and finally convinced the diabetic consultant at my local hospital what my problems were - he agreed with me, this after 25 years!

I have a blood sugar test meter and I can have drops as low as 3.1, 2.8, 2.3 mmol/l. Anything below 4mmol/l and you're in trouble. The worst ever reading I ever had was a 1.8. I don't believe it's VERY RARE and feel this is a more common problem that the medical profession care to admit.

Popsy - have you thought of asking your doctor about Irritable Bowel Syndrome? A friends father felt he couldn't eat for a long time due to a "churning feeling" in his stomach. He had various test mental and physical and almost every time it came back about IBS. He lost a lot of weight and got scared to go out. Now he's eating the right food he's a lot better

Anything is worth a try.

Good luck