View Full Version : Scared

26-05-08, 11:59
I posted on the symptoms forum but had no replies, so here goes I have funny beats in my stomach or heart can't decide which sends a feeling of pressure to my face and nose slight headache comes but goes after a few minuites. Had blood pressure checked couple of months ago that was ok.Feel very tired all the time am now thinking my heart is not pumping oxygen thats why I feel so tired and that cancer has spread around my body and my doc(appointment on Thursday) will tell me I have no time left.I can't die and leave my family I need to that they are ok. Sorry but I thought I was ok then something else happens to scare me.:doh:
Not very brave am I

26-05-08, 12:15
:hugs: Hi Lesley

Don't think you're gonna die; i think your symptoms are as a result of anxiety; and thats something a lot of people can relate to on here; especially me. I can be sitting doing nothing and feel anxious... I think it's likely that the doctor may prescribe something for your anxiety; & it does help to talk to people on here. If you look on the left of your screen and click on anxiety i think you'll find some useful information.. Good luck at the Doctors... Juanna:)

26-05-08, 17:52
Hi Lesley,

Your symptoms really do sound like anxiety!
I can really identify with the tiredness you mentioned.That constant feeling of no energy led me to think cancer but I'm still here,lol.
Accepting that your Doctor is a trained professional and knows what he is doing can give great relief.
Accepting that what you have is Anxiety and not cancer will allow you to move to the next stage which is dealing with it.You could then focus on your anxiety and learn how to treat it.You could learn how to recognise your symptoms and understand the action you need to take to overcome this.
Can you beat this?......Why not?... What makes you different from the rest of us in not learning to beat this?...Absolutely nothing.
Start focusing on how much you have in common with other Anxiety sufferers and focus on building friendships here that will help you cope when times are tough.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

26-05-08, 18:53
Thank you for your replies Juanna and Chalky. When I go to my doctors with tiredness he just says its because of depression, but I have a good nights sleep( I know I am lucky), but am walking the dogs at 11am yawning all the time. I don't have time to go to the chat room as work takes so much time( I teach), so can't make friends there. I know you all care and that makes it better.:yesyes:

26-05-08, 21:07
Hey Lesley,

Definitely sounds like symptoms of anxiety. I have experienced anxiety and anxiety attacks for over a year now, so I have experienced many of the symptoms you mentioned.

The one thing that was THE worst were the scary thoughts that I had cancer, or that my heart was going to stop all of a sudden. These are LIES, do not buy into them.

The things that have helped me:
-Learning about anxiety (Symptoms, Causes, Personal Testimonies)
- Self-Help program by Lucinda Basset: Attacking Anxiety and Depression
-A personal relationship with God
-Combatting fears and anxiety with scripture
-Exercising every day
-Eating healthy (no sugar,caffeine,or alcohol,lots of whole grains,drink water)

It is a good idea to see a doctor just to reassure yourself that you are fine.

God Bless,

26-05-08, 21:23
I was taken into hospital in November due to a problem with my heart and when the ambulance men turned up i kept telling them i could feel my definite beating within my stomach area. They told me, the main artery (aorta) runs right down the centre of your body, so it 'feels' like the beating is in the stomach, but it is the heart. He also said that slimmer people would feel it more than larger people.
Hope this helps :)


26-05-08, 21:39
Thank you Bluebell !!

I was trying to pluck up the courage to post about palpatations in my stomach (been too afraid incase no one replied!)

It feels worse than heart palps so its fantastic to have an explanation!