View Full Version : GAD...

26-05-08, 12:53
Hi Just wanted to ask if anyone; has had experiences of cognitive behavioural therapy; for Generalized anxiety...
Was it beneficial & what happens ; is it a one to one thing; or group therapy ????
I;m just looking for a way to cope with my anxiety; i take medication but am not sure that it's the best way to deal with my anxiety !!!! :ohmy:

26-05-08, 13:55
Take a look at http://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome its an online free CBT therapy thing and gives you a good idea how CBT helps to to change negative thoughts to positive ones. I had some CBT and it really helped me at the time, although i think i needed more sessions than i could have, that was one to one sessions, there are also group sessions but i havent heard such positive stories about these. Loads of poeple say CBT is defo the way forward with anxiety, i would defo encourage you to try it.
Good Luck xxx

26-05-08, 14:29
Hi Juanna

I've been reading "Feel Good - The New Mood Therapy" by Dr David Burns. It has really helped me challenge my negative thought processes and I feel so much more confident.

Jo xxxxx

26-05-08, 14:30
Take a look at http://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome its an online free CBT therapy thing and gives you a good idea how CBT helps to to change negative thoughts to positive ones. I had some CBT and it really helped me at the time, although i think i needed more sessions than i could have, that was one to one sessions, there are also group sessions but i havent heard such positive stories about these. Loads of poeple say CBT is defo the way forward with anxiety, i would defo encourage you to try it.
Good Luck xxx
Thanks for the web address...

26-05-08, 21:41
Give it a go, it works well for a lot of people. CBT works best when you can identifiy what excatly is causing your anixity or panic attacks, however if you have GAD it can take a while to just do this and one on one is best. I've has both group and one on one and it hasn't worked for me (and yes I did everything they asked me to do!) however I would alwasy encourage anyone to give it go. Be aware that you need a good therapist and the NHS is not always the best and the waiting lists are long in most areas.

Good luck

26-05-08, 22:59
hi hope you feel better soon cbt has helped me and i get it once a week on a one to one. You should try it it will help

hugs laura :yesyes:

27-05-08, 01:49

Iv just started cbt group therapy and i suffer with GAD.

I wanted one to one but was told their group one had good feedback so i was willing to give it a go

love mandie x