View Full Version : Emetophobic

Zoe Oakley
26-05-08, 14:05

I have been suffering from emetophobia now for nearly 19 years. It all started on 22nd November 1989 when I was sick in the classroom at school. I feel very angry with the school for not sending me home that day when I said I was ill as it has affected my life ever since.

At first my phobia was very bad especially in the winter months. At first I wouldn't eat or go out in fear that either I would be sick or someone around me would be sick. Every year on the 22nd November for about four years I would feel sick as I knew that was the anniversary of the classroom incident.

As I have got older (I am now 27) I can just about handle myself being sick (I am now seven months pregnant and thankfully didn't suffer with very bad morning sickness) however someone else being sick just sends me into a panic. I have nightmares about my boyfriend being sick on me whilst we are in bed together. I constantly have to wake him up and ask "your not going to be sick are you?" He is luckily very tolerant! I feel if I don't ask him then its tempting fate that he will actually be sick.

Thankfully I don't mind baby sick too much as its only milk and it always smells different. If there is sick on the pavement I feel a bit giddy but as long as it is nowhere near my house then I can cope with it. If my boyfriend has been drinking lots of alcohol though I am constantly on edge that he will throw up. A couple of times it has happened and he has to sleep on the sofa - I'm too scared to use the toilet in case I smell it.

I would love to be able to cope with the 'v' word but I just cannot seem to fin d a way of coping. I have got better compared to what I used to be like but it is still very much in my life.

26-05-08, 15:21
Hi Zoe,

Welcome to the site. There are others here who feel like you do and you will get support. You might want to get CBT and see if that helps. As I have children you will need to deal with this sooner or later as children do get ill and not baby ill. I will say it is always different if the child is your own as you love them so much. Congratulations on your soon to be new arrival and take a look around the forum.

Many hugs,


26-05-08, 17:19
hiya Zoe :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: .
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting about whatever is on your mind and we will do our best to help you.

love and happiness

take care.



26-05-08, 17:35
Hi Zoe,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

26-05-08, 22:20
Hello Zoe And Welcome.....i Wish Ya Well.......linda

milly jones
27-05-08, 16:28
hi zoe,

welcome to the nmp family


29-05-08, 21:29
Hi Zoe, I am know how you feel as I have Emetophobia too and have had for 25yrs but am getting worse instead of better:lac: ! i just want this to be gone too and like you i can cope with baby sick but not with children aged over 2 1/2 yrs for some reason! Anyway congrats on ur pregnancy! feel free to message me if u wana chat.

30-05-08, 07:02
Hi Zoe

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

08-05-09, 16:30
Welcome Zoe,

I am the same as you; I have a two month old daughter and am emetophobic. I unfortunately did have morning sickness during my pregnancy. I had it for four months and it came back in month 7 of my pregnancy. It lasted until I gave birth.

But for an emetophobe, morning sickness may not be the same as non-emets. I didn't p***, but I felt terribly nauseaous and retched a lot. I think it's worse for us when we have ms because we can't get it out and get over it.

I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy and I hope you find as much support here as you need.
