View Full Version : cant get hiv out of my head

26-05-08, 16:06
hi everyone
i know ive already posted regarding this,ive really tried these past couple of days to try and get this fear into prospective but as soon as i think ok the odds are really very much in my favour i start thinking ive got it again.please can someone help me. a lot of what was posted on my threads and other peoples threads have helped but then this little niggly thought comes back and takes over again,i am so sick of it why cant i just stop worrying and believe what people tell me.
does anyone really think i have a risk of contracting hiv after a drunken one night stand 5 years ago?? as far as i can possibly be aware he was not a drug user and he was not gay,and also sorry to be disgusting he didnt come inside me sorry i know its a bit of too much information but i really need to know what people think and if it was them would they believe what people hae said and just try and think on the positive side

jennie xx

26-05-08, 16:31
hi jennie, i really really do not think u have HIV at all honest. but if this is really making yr life a misery u must go and get a test just for yr own peace of mind, then u will longer need to worry hun. otherwise every day yr life is going to become a misery and u will be wasting yr life away. please try and not this worrying and keep busy so u dont have to much thinkin time ans please dont google cos u will make yrself 10 times worse.x xxxx

26-05-08, 16:32
:blush: sorry spelling terrible today xx:hugs: ps pm me antime jen

26-05-08, 16:49
From that one night it would be extremely unlikely. And I think you mentioned in another thread that you'd been tested before?

If it's really a concern, get tested again. It might be stressful, but it'll only be a short amount of time before you get the results and it'll be better than worrying for another 5 years. You'll drive yourself insane.

26-05-08, 19:10
my fear for you is that you will go on asking people until one says 'well.......' and that will be you, up to ninety, anxiety shooting through the roof........
I feel we can give you lots and lots of reassurance but it is never going to work unless you can give yourself the same reassurance.
My opinion is you should get another test NOT because I believe you could be HIV, but because I believe it is the only real thing that could settle you.

Jennie, this going over and over and over in your mind without acting upon it is called rumination. It is very very destructive. I really feel if you could nip this in the bud you would save yourself a lot of future anxiety.

Take care

26-05-08, 19:17
hi jen hun, happyone is right in wot she says u really must get this sorted before the worry makes u really ill, please get the test just for your peace of mind i dont think u have HIV at all really hugs xxxx

26-05-08, 20:05
hi everyone
thank you so much for your replies,i know the only thing to do is have a test but im just really scared,ive not had a hiv test before.ive got to learn to trust people and believe in what they say,i know its highly unlikely that i contracted it on the one occasion,i just wish i could stop worrying.my mum,the dr,the nurse and the THT trust have told me it is highly unlikely to contract it after one exposure because if it was that easy there would be more people with it than without it,they have said get a test but just to put my mind at ease im sure if they really thought i was at risk they would have recommended a test.they also said within 5 years the majority of people would have had some strange symtoms that a normal healthy person would not get that would need further testing
thank you so much for your reassurance


26-05-08, 20:13
aww no worries jen and remember u can pm me anytime u need me. keep positive and enjoy yr life and if u feel yrself starting to get panicky just get busy with something and dont google, remember u are fine hun. hugs to u xxxxx

27-05-08, 11:56
hi donna,
thank you for your support im really trying today to put things into perspective and every time that bully called anxiety pops up with the word hiv i block it out and tell it to leave me alone, i know that sounds daft but its working kind of ok up till now.thank you so much again to all of you

jennie xxx

27-05-08, 12:38
hi jen, no thats great that u doing that hun, keep it up and u really are fine so keep telling yrself that, im here anytime just pm me hugs xxxxxxxxxx