View Full Version : Anxiety levels

26-05-08, 17:30
:unsure: Is it me, or do others suffer more with their anxiety in the mornings, or if you are female more when your period is due?

That seems to be my worst time.

Mandy x

26-05-08, 17:35
With me it depends on when the symptoms appear. But lately i seem to have more anxiety at night when everyone has gone to bed and im left alone with my laptop and google. :weep:

26-05-08, 17:55
:mad: Anxiety huhhh!!!

This site has helped a great deal though.
Not as bad now, can control them.:)

26-05-08, 18:31
Hiya Maz

It seems to get worse around my periods felt a bit wobbly last week started period on Thursday its been horrendous! crying all the time, on a very short fuse, feeling worse in mornings (when my anxiety was at its peak couple of months ago, mornings were a bloody nightmare literally couldn't function, however once it came to afternoon felt a lot better and honestly felt normal at night!) then the whole sorry saga would repeat its self the next day!

This site is invaluable keep looking around it, there are loads of people whom can help, honestly I think some probably saved me from myself a couple of months ago.

Good Luck honey


Pink Panic
26-05-08, 18:46
Hi Mandy,

I'm deffo at my worst in the mornings too and yes i also get worse anx at the dreaded time of the month!! ...... Oh the joys of being female!!


Pink Panic
26-05-08, 18:49
Me again, Sorry forgot to add that i'm waiting to get the Mirena Coil fitted which GP thinks will help with the PMT and mood swings around that time.


eternally optimistic
26-05-08, 19:24
Hi Maze,

Definitely yes.

Not so bad since I was put on citalopram last year, has reduced anxiety levels and PMT too.

Mentioned my moods and anxiety levels to the Doctor recently and she prescribed a low dose contraceptive to see if that helps.

I really do think, in my case, that two things aggrevate one another.


Mornings were horendous, kids off to school and then work!!

26-05-08, 20:04
Hi Maz, I was only saying to my boyfriend today that the mornings are definately the worst for me in terms of anxiety. I don't know why it is but when I wake up I feel a bit anxious and it seems to fade as the day goes on xxxxxxxxx

27-05-08, 10:45
yes! definitely mornings are worse! why is that? it must be quite common coz i read on an anxiety website about it. i often get that sinking feeling when i first wake up, like a growing feeling of dread..... horrible.

27-05-08, 16:10
sorry to buck the trend lol, but i seem to start out ok and get more anxious as the day goes on.

im getting worse lately that im scared ill get agorophobia as starting to notice sypmtoms when i get in car to go out. only on own though - with other people im ok!

char xxx

27-05-08, 17:23
:yahoo: Thanks for your replies it seems that most of us are worse in the mornings and get better as the day goes on.

When i am at work i am fine, no probs.

Distraction i suppose !!

Thanks again.

Mandy x:yesyes:

27-05-08, 21:53
I have terrible morning anxiety almost as though its too hard to face the day. I have found this has got better over time.
I am taking 5-htp & has changed me...try it please x