View Full Version : continuously bloated and fed up-can bloating be caused by anxiety only?

26-05-08, 17:47
It's been days now that I feel so uncomfortably bloated that I don't know what to do. I feel like a tight knot right where the stomack is, just underneath the diaphragm. My stomach feels very distended and i have the continuous urge to belch and release the pressure. It's this pressure that I feel on my diaphragm that is so unbearable and driving me insane.:emot-crying:
It is affecting the breathing a bit but that doesn't worry me, but it making me feel very anxious, and the pressure making me feel like my heart is maybe racing that is the worse.:scared15: The thing is I thought the bloatedness is to do with period but since it's still here it must not be. I get this lasting for days, when it's here i feel it all the time, no matter what I eat and even if i eat at all. I even feel scared now to eat because of it, although i feel the same when i get up which is definitely at least 12 hours away from the previous meal...It's really affecting me. No meds help really, well the antacids I tried, and I tried different types. Other times I can eat whatever I want or in any amount , I won't feel this. This makes me wonder why I get this.
Could it be just anxiety? Anyone get this just due to stress or anxiety? My friend keep telling me I have hiatus hernia, but i don't know what to think, he said i shouldn't eat certaing things and it should be fine, but the problem with the whole idea of h h is that I do eat all the things he mentioned at times and i don't get any problems, and when i get them the problems are there even if i don't eat anything...Oh guys I'm so sorry about rumbling on like this, it;s driving me crazy, i just need to feel i'm not alone ...:weep::weep::weep:

26-05-08, 20:12
Hi Mila,
I have the bloatness from time to time also:weep: It only last anywhere from 2 to 10 days for me and i have no idea what brings it on either:lac: But i'm like you i just can't seem to eat anything when i have the bloatness feeling.....just don't feel like there is any room in tummy for any food/drink when i have this bloatness:weep: Seems like i get it about once a month ....wish i knew why, but i don't....if you get it figured out please let me know lol:bighug1: Sorry i'm no help to you but i do feel sorry for you as i know how you feel hun :bighug1: :bighug1: Hope ya get to feeling better soon !!

26-05-08, 20:24
Oh thank you Heidi:hugs:

:hugs: :hugs:
I was starting to think i'm alone in this...

I was just looking at my stomach in the mirror-if i relax it, it looks like i'm in third trimester...It just feels terrible....

26-05-08, 21:23
Hi Millie,

Being stressed will cause your stomach to produce too much acid causing a bloated feeling. I suffer this too from time to time.

26-05-08, 21:57
Swallowing air can cause bloatedness as well.

You may have a food intolerance too.

I get bloated all the time and I eat an Activia yoghurt every day and one of those Muller Vitality drinks and it seems to help.

Cathy V
26-05-08, 23:15
Yes i get this too. My stomach feels like ive eaten for england when ive only had a small meal! somebody said its because of the altered breathing pattern in anxious ppl, shallow with short breaths, and as nic said swallowing more air can contribute to a distended stomach.

Cathy xxx :)

27-05-08, 00:32
Yeah, swallowing air sounds very possible.
I did a test for food sensitivity, and i am not sensitive to usual stuff like lactose or gluten...however to my huge disbelief :ohmy: i was told i should avoid chocolate and vinegar, i was devastated lol i used to put vinegar on any salad i would eat, had it every day, and chocolate, well :winks: that was my real weakness lol especially when i feel down. But ever since the test 2 months ago i have been completely avoiding everything i am suppose to, so that can't be the cause any longer.

27-05-08, 10:41
Hi Millie,

I to suffer with bloating most of the time you are not alone hun. I have a Danone daily or when I remember! Also a peppermint capsle sometimes. Tis very uncomfortable I know and a real pain huh!

Hope it eases soon for you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

27-05-08, 17:58
Thanks Pips,:hugs:
I hope so too, coz it's really getting to me.

My tummy has been feeling really tight and heavy today. From time to time I was feeling like shivers inside my chest, like flutters, really scary, my stomach just feels off, like it won't digest, it feels hard and I've been feeling really depressed all day. It's been a terrible day weatherwise, cloudy and rainly, really gray and days liek this make me feel down with a touch of sort of unreal feeling (is that DR?) But some days is worse than others, like today...Besides the bloated feeling and what i said above, I just have this heavy depressed and gloomy feeling in the pit of my stomach, like a feeling of doom, and i just keep feeling surreal i guess.

I really need to lift myself from here, but i don't know what to do.

27-05-08, 19:55
Sorry your still feeling rough Millie.http://media.bigoo.ws/content/gif/text/text_218.gifI know this may sound a bit personal but are you constipated at all? (You don't have to answer that) It's just that can make you bloat alot. I suffer with IBS and this makes me bloat an awful lot of the time.

Some days do feel worse than others and feeling depressed is horrid. I get days where I can't seem to find any enthusiam and that gets me down. It's worse when the weathers yuck and your feeling crap in yourself hun. It will pass though try to think of nice cosy things and things that make you smile. Even if you only smile for a second thats good!
http://www.chromaluna.com/content/comments/greetings/SendingSunshine.gifand some http://xs3.xoospace.com/myspace/graphics/18589.gif for you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

27-05-08, 20:17
Oh Pippa, thank you sooooo much :hugs:. Those little doggies are so cute, you did manage to make me smile :).

See, at the moment I am not constipated, sometimes I get a bit, but I'm mostly fine, it's my upper stomach only at the moment, like it's knotted...

28-05-08, 11:30
HEllo Mila

I'm going through exactly the same thing as you, mine's being going on for about 3 weeks now. Knotted, upper bloated feeling - as if everything has got stuck there! GP gave me omeprazole but that didn't even touch the sides so I'm now on Lansoprazole which is helping but hasn't stopped it completely, however I only started these Friday so perhaps they need a few more days to really kick it.

I had bloods checked last week and they've all come back fine, although just waiting for the H.Pylori one as that takes a bit longer.

Yesterday I went for an upper abdominal scan - checked liver, kidneys, pancreas, gall-bladder and spleen - all clear. Good news I know but still not idea what's causing it.

I'm going to give the tablets a little longer and if no real improvement then I will go back and perhaps suggest an endoscopy. Has your GP suggested this for you?

Why does your friend think you have a hernia? :huh: Even IF you did have one, then a couple of weeks of meds such as omeprazole or lansoprazole would sort it.

I do sympathise though, it's miserable isn't it?

28-05-08, 17:22
Hi Jenny,:hugs:
Yeah it is miserable... My doc is so sure it is just stress with me, so won't do any tests. My friend has hernia and the symptoms were very similar, that's why he keeps telling me that is what it is. I used ranitidine before, as well as antacids and anti-wind things, i am not sure if anything helped ever, i wanted to buy over the counter omeprazole, to try but couldn't find it, well i'm sure i haven;t looked hard enough lol they are very expensive though to get over the counter considering i'd have to take it for a while to see if it works...The thing is for me it just comes and goes after some time a week or 2...without me being able to figure out why...
Maybe i should go to the doc and demand at least lansoprazole prescription to try it...

28-05-08, 21:06
Hi Millie

I have had similar symptoms to yours, I tried Muller Vitality and an Activia yoghurt every day and after almost two weeks things settled down.

Take care


29-05-08, 08:26
Hi Jenny,:hugs:
Yeah it is miserable... My doc is so sure it is just stress with me, so won't do any tests. My friend has hernia and the symptoms were very similar, that's why he keeps telling me that is what it is. I used ranitidine before, as well as antacids and anti-wind things, i am not sure if anything helped ever, i wanted to buy over the counter omeprazole, to try but couldn't find it, well i'm sure i haven;t looked hard enough lol they are very expensive though to get over the counter considering i'd have to take it for a while to see if it works...The thing is for me it just comes and goes after some time a week or 2...without me being able to figure out why...
Maybe i should go to the doc and demand at least lansoprazole prescription to try it...

I thought omeprazole and lansoprazole were prescription only :shrug: , anyhow, it's odd your GP wont prescribe these for you or even send you for tests - even simple blood tests. During my first visit to my GP, he ordered bloods straight away - as our blood is such a good indicator of our health, the tests can be used to eliminate so many things.

You should'nt have to keep putting up with this. Can you get to see another GP at your surgery? I personally would go back. Say you are feeling very uncomfortable and would like some help and tests done.

Oh, along with the lansoprazole, my GP also prescribed Motillium to take 3 times a day. Motillium can be bought at any chemist. It helps with bloating and mobility so worth a try? About £4.40 for a pack of 10 tablets.

29-05-08, 11:21
I thought omeprazole and lansoprazole were prescription only yeah omeprazole can be bought otc.
My doc won't do any tests coz i've been visiting every so often, and i've been complaining of bloatedness more than once but i've complained of so many other things, so he figures it is all part of anxiety.
I've heard about Motillium and was thinking of getting it, but i had to read about side effects as well :-( I'm scared of taking new drugs. Is it helping you?
Last night I got so bloated! It makes me so anxious.

29-05-08, 12:00
I thought omeprazole and lansoprazole were prescription only :shrug: , anyhow, it's odd your GP wont prescribe these for you or even send you for tests - even simple blood tests. During my first visit to my GP, he ordered bloods straight away - as our blood is such a good indicator of our health, the tests can be used to eliminate so many things.

You should'nt have to keep putting up with this. Can you get to see another GP at your surgery? I personally would go back. Say you are feeling very uncomfortable and would like some help and tests done.

Oh, along with the lansoprazole, my GP also prescribed Motillium to take 3 times a day. Motillium can be bought at any chemist. It helps with bloating and mobility so worth a try? About £4.40 for a pack of 10 tablets.

Lansoprazole is prescription only.:)

03-06-08, 18:51
Today I have visited the doctor again. I am so fed up, guys, I just feel like screaming right now or weeping...:emot-crying::emot-crying::emot-crying::emot-crying::emot-crying: I had a couple of days off this problem, but yesterday it started again, my stomach feels so distended, i feel so desperate to release the pressure, it just makes me feel like there are shakes in my chest, like my heart is racing and i am so scared guys....The doc says it's all anxiety, the bloatedness is anxiety and the heart feeling is anxiety. So she didn't give me anything...Wanted to give me propranolol but I don't wanna take that, that is not gonna help the feeling of distention and the belching, that is what causes the racing heart feeling...It's so hard to cope. Eventually it will go, but I just need some strategy to cope right now, especially with the fear that it is affecting my heart. People who get palpitations or the feeling of heart racing, can these last almost continuously for couple of days?
She said I need to do some exercize and I know so myself, it's just hard to start when i feel like this, physical activity can make the belching worse in the beginning, at least for me....

03-06-08, 19:06
Hi Millie

I have had similar symptoms to yours, I tried Muller Vitality and an Activia yoghurt every day and after almost two weeks things settled down.

Take care


Me and you both Harli!

Give it a try Mila.

04-06-08, 09:25
Jenny yeah omeprazole can be bought otc.
My doc won't do any tests coz i've been visiting every so often, and i've been complaining of bloatedness more than once but i've complained of so many other things, so he figures it is all part of anxiety.
I've heard about Motillium and was thinking of getting it, but i had to read about side effects as well :-( I'm scared of taking new drugs. Is it helping you?
Last night I got so bloated! It makes me so anxious.

I've been taking Motillium alongside the Lansoprazole and have been feeling ok. I wouldn't worry about the side effects and I'm sure they would help. You need to take them 3 x day to get full effect for about 10/14 days.

Your GP doesn't sound very sympathetic. Can you ask for a referral?

10-06-08, 09:35
Hello there Mila =)

I feel really bad for you. I too am struggling with symptoms such as your own. I had been bloated non stop for 3 years and then it's kind of developed into a heartburny type thing. Now I am taking Lansoprazole the bloatedness has come back. It's Horrible =( I too have been told mine is probaly down to stress and anxiety. I don't know whether this IS the case but I do know just how you feel about having to keep going to the doctors with all diffrent problems, and they keep finding nothing and saying that you are healthy etc. I mean it's great to hear that they can't find some thing's but you start to feel really bad when you still have the problem and they can't seem to find it. I've been on so many diffrent medications in the last 4 years- And been back n forth to the dr continuosly. I first thought my bloatedness was diet related- but that didn't seem to help me, I even tried yougurts etc. I then felt it might be excersise related but because of my depression I was kind of stuck in a vicious circle. It really became hard when this heartburn took place. And I hate having to keep going to visit the doctor, I always worry that they will get fed up because it's one thingafter the other. But I know the pain is real and I have nothing to loose. And neither do you. I really want to help you cos I know what it feels like!! Ok not completely but I can sympathise! I feel i'm rambling a bit! Tee hee- sorry. I shall let you get back to me before I continue rambling! Or you can tell me to hush :P Hope you feel a little better. =)

11-06-08, 23:00
Hi Wembot,
I still feel bad, and it's been how lonf aince i posted, as a matter of fact i feel immensly worse even...i don't get the heartburny feeling except occasionally, but the gas in my stomach, it is terrible and if you believe me absolutely constant, sometimes it just feels like my stomach wants to explode, the rest of the time i feel like something is stuck in my chest, well at different sites from the stomach up to the throat, like big bubbles of air, and it can all make me feel breathless sometimes, the pressure...I started lansoprazole yesterday, my new doc gave me that claiming i have dyspepsia caused by anxiety...well if i would believe her it would be fine, but when i feel these horrible things all day every day it is kind of hard to...i feel depressed as well, which i can't quite figure out, is it coz of the symptoms or the symptoms are there coz i'm depressed with all the stress i have on right now...Anyway, thank you so much for replying, i have trouble believing anyone ever felt as bad as me :-) I'm sure we all feel like that sometimes...

11-06-08, 23:18
Why don't you ask to be referred to a dietician?

You are probably swallowing air as well

12-06-08, 00:31
Hi Nicola,
My problems are there no matter what i eat or even if I eat, one thing i know is that they don't have much to do with food. Air-swalloing might be involved though. Thanks for trying to throw ideas. Thank to all of you who read my posts, i truly appreciate it.

Smile :)
06-09-10, 15:43
Hi Mila,

I too get the bloated feeling. I have tablets for GERD as I was getting the heavy feeling not only in my stomach but in my chest and back. The tablets seem to help although not with the bloating. I often feel like I can't get a proper breath which really scares me but as soon as I stop thinking about it, it goes away aswell with the bloated feeling. I would keep on at your Doctors and if everything is ok then I would put it down to anxiety. I find it very difficult to believe I can be making myself feel this way which is why I keep going to the Docs so I can rule everything out. Once you know it's anxiety it's easier for you to cure as you know there is nothing physically wrong. Keeping you mind of the subject is very hard as I know only too well. I have good and bad days and feel a bit down now and then, some days nothing seems to make me happy! I really hope it gets better for you as I know how awful these feelings can be. Chin up and keep us informed of your progress :) xxx

07-09-10, 17:36
hey, i feel for you huni, i been getting the same syptoms as you are describing now for the past week. it got so bad i ended up down the hospital where they done 3 ECG's, all fine. Blood tests for infection, all fine. Bloodtest for clot on my lung, all clear.
listened to my tummy, clear. blood pressure , cool. im as healthy as can be. so i went to my doctor and he put me on Omeprazole, only been on them 5 days and i feel a little bit better but not 100%. my stomach just feels like i have done 200 sit ups, constantly tense, bloated where i look at least 3mths pregnant. the only plus side is that the pains in my chest and around my coller bone have gone. and just under my bra line don't feel so full, its all now just in my tummy.
its extreamly uncomfortable, always taking deep breaths in, not wanting to eat too much as it feels like im so full already.
my doctor told me it is all down to stress, so i have to take his word for it.
least its not effecting my diet as i lost 4lbs today at my slimming club!, as my mum said to me gas dont way a thing! lol. xx

04-05-12, 13:27
Hi - this is my first post - I have suffered from anxiety/panic attacks since the late 1990s - was on antidepressants for years but slowly came off them and was absolutely fine - no panic attacks!!! However, a couple of months ago I had a huge panic attack - then a couple of weeks later I had a bad session when my heart was beating really fast - this then led me to another panic attack - been to the doctor - blood tests and ECG all fine - now I seem to be in an anxious state for a lot of the time - can't stop thinking about what my heart is doing/having another panic attack etc - do not want to start taking antidepressants again - can anyone offer me some advice - I am hoping it is because I am menopausal and that it is my hormones (or lack of them!!) that are causing my symptoms - I am also very bloated after I eat and keep burping a lot which is unusual for me - thanks for any advice!:)

08-06-15, 13:43
Did u ever get to the bottom of these problems, can relate as have started getting similar stomach problems as you have referred to. The worst for me is the bloating, with the quickly beating heart sensation that raises my anxiety very high, which in turn makes the anxiety grow greater to the point of panic. Doing what I can to bring it down with relaxation and music, trying to focus upon a movie in an attempt to distract myself from the feeling of being bloated. Have tried the Omeprazole (20mg) once a day and then doctor increased the dose to twice a day (40mg) not much change. Did a stool test and both me and my partner had the H. Pylori infection and both took antbiotics, partners doing great, but my symptoms haven't improve. My partner does not have anxiety and copes better with health issues, unlike myself, I suffer overboard sometimes. that's really the anxiety that magnifies and raises the sensation to such an unbearable height I wonder how I continue. Reading the posts in this forum, echos the feelings and emotions I feel when it strikes like a hot poker. I deeply sympathise with the many who struggle with this condition everyday, and believe you all deserve medals of courage. Will be visiting a specialist next month for an endoscopy procedure to rule out anything serious, a little concerned, but doing my best to keep as calm as I possible and bearably can. So many refer to cancer, which strikes fear into the very core of every human being that this examination will be very difficult to endure, although necessary to calm the racing mind and thoughts. I wish everyone well and hope I can get past this episode without too much distress and worry. God bless and please ALL take care.

29-06-17, 14:24
I am new to this forum, I was trying to find out for the last couple years now I am bloated, full of gas and then once a month for 5 to 10 days I get this tightness in my stomach, I can't eat, feel nausea, my stomach and belly are so extended I can't get my paints on.

I see lots of people have this problem my doctor told me after series of tests I most likely have irritable bowel syndrome. so I tried the Keto diet, that did nothing, I tried a complete supplementation program. I take l-glutamine every morning without fail, I even tried colostrum for a month and did nothing. Now I take Vitamin A,B,C,D,E, Zinc, selenium, amino acid complex, flax seed for fibre due to my constipation.

Any other help would be much appreciated to try to alleviate, the pain and make this stop! I think it might have something to do with hormones and stress and anxiety! thank you for any help too!:)

24-01-18, 21:26
Anyone ever find out if this issue was resolved and if so what they did to fix the bloating and the other symptoms?