View Full Version : New today & would appreciate some help

26-05-08, 20:52

this is the first time I have ever joined a group like this ever. I suppose I have joined in the hope that I will find some answers & be able to speak to people that are able to relate to my problems in an understanding way.

If I am honest, I have probably suffered from GAD, depression & panic attacks for some years, its only in the last month & a half that it all became to much for me & so have sought help from my GP. The Dr is very good but cant always relate to some of my worries. I am off work at the moment & am taking Citalopram which seems to be slow working.

My current worry (as I have daily ones!) is that my mind seems to be playing word association. When I read it decides to choose a similar word to the one I am reading, or when reading a sentence it adds or replaces a word. I may see the word heat but my mind will read heart. The same goes when I think of saying something it thinks of another word. I have tried to calm myself but have not found anybody else who does the same thing.

I also find my mind, for example, picking up a time, a brand name on a label, a word or phrase spoken, pin no & then a couple of minutes later my mind will say it over & over again, sometimes I can work out where it comes from & other times they appear random.

I would be very pleased if anyone has the time to share any similar experiences that they have had, as it frightens me very much as, I feel i have no control over them & no one that really understands.

I must say, the fact that I have written this down & also read some of the stories, I have feelI have some hope.

Thank you very much for reading this.

26-05-08, 20:58
hi there and welcome, you will find loads of advice and support here and make new friends too. we are a lovely bunch here and u will find these problems are quite common, also have a look at the left hand side heading for anxiety, dep etc etc as they give some great info. hugs xxx

26-05-08, 21:12
I also have the mis-reading problem, i also mis-remember sometimes (I remember where i have parked my car but not necesrarily where I parked it today). I am also on citalopram and have been for a couple of years.

26-05-08, 21:40
hiya Clearsky :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. you say you have not found anyone else that does these things and ppl dont understand when you try to explain. well you have now hun, i myself do a number of them things and you will find others here who do things like that. i have trouble reading things out to ppl as i will read out a diff word than the one i saw, and i know what it says as i can read fine but my brain will have seen a similer word to it. And when im reading to myself i will have to reread a sentence as it aint made sense to me and thats because i have been makeing up words to the ones i have seen. i dont worry to much about this as i find i tend to do it more when i am feeling quite anx and tierd out. my brain just dont work right then. keep posting hun about what ever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.

love and happiness
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


26-05-08, 21:43
You are not alone, i always have trouble with words. For me is also happens when i am typing. I'll want to type one word and i will type something completely different.
I'm sure you'll get lots of support and advice here :)


26-05-08, 22:03
Happens me all the time! I am on citalopram too but that thing with words has happened me for a few years. Try not to worry about it too much, I figure your mind is working overtime and working faster due to the fact that you have anxiety. Its normal and I get it so please don't worry. I have found when my GAD is at its worst I obsess over stuff like that. Like when I was reading in the hairdressers I said the wrong words in my head and thought I was going mad but I was just over anxious. Take your citalopram, stick with it, it does take time to work but when it does, you will be on top form again. Its all about rewiring connections in your brain properly again and the anti-depressant will do this, just try and stay strong xxxxx

26-05-08, 22:14
hey clearsky and welcome you will find lots of info you are not alone..i wish ya well........linda

27-05-08, 01:45
Hi clearsky

Welcome to nmp.

Like you & a lot of others, I have the 'word' problem. I think it's brain fatigue from so much anxiety. I don't worry about it though:) , guess there's some things we worry about more than others, huh?

You will find a lot of help & support here, lovely people who are going thru similar situations. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make us all better. It's a crippling illness that is so not recognized by 'normal' peeps. We need more help:mad: :mad:

Take care


27-05-08, 15:06
Hi Clearsky,

Welcome to the site. As you can already see, many here understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Many hugs,


milly jones
27-05-08, 15:44
hi clearsky,

i can relate to the word thing,

i often mix negatives eg can/cant, esp when typing and reading

then i have to read things over and over again to check

never realised that others did this, thanks

i can also do it with pictures, ie toilet signs and has twice recently ended up stranded in mens loos frightened to come out when i hear someone else come in. quite a laugh afterwards but freaks me out whan it happens. im a woman, sorry lol

well welcome to nmp and i hope u find comfort here as i do

milly xxx

27-05-08, 18:16
Hi Clearsky,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,