View Full Version : Flashes of light?

26-05-08, 21:00
For the past 4 months or so i have been suffering from flashes of light in the corner of my vision. The flashes only last a split second and are usually more noticable when i'm indoors. Is the caused by anxiety? as i'm getting increasingly worried about it.

28-05-08, 20:05
maybe. once i saw flashy dots of light. it was really scary. i quite often get blurry/weird vision due to anxiety. especially if i've been watching tv or on my laptop alot. and i think the flashy dots were an extension of that.
have you mentioned it to your dr?

29-05-08, 17:31
I'm sure this could be caused by anxiety i had something similar over a year ago i was told i was dehydrated, do you think you drink enough water.

01-06-08, 20:31
Hi Amy,
I can't remember what it's called but this could be something to do with when you move your eyes the vitreous gel at the back of the eye tugs at the retina & causes the 'flashes' at the outer edge of your vision. Is it only when you're moving your eyes? I notice this in one eye only & it's more obvious when I'm looking at the sky so maybe this isn't what you're experiencing.
I really don't think it's anything to worry about but with your eyes it's important to get it checked just to be sure.
Seffie xx

02-06-08, 04:35
I have something called Optical Nerve Migraine - there is no pain involved just flashes of light. My first one was when my cat died. Doctor told me they are brought on by stress or hormonal changes (PMS). I get a field of flashing light (from 12-6 say on a clock) and all the way to the right side of my vision. I cannot drive or work during the episode. They only last 15-20 minutes and then they are gone.

Interesting what the body can do! :ohmy:

07-06-08, 21:06
interesting i often get falshes of light at the side of my eyes, usually top left of my left eye, its just like 1 quick tiny blue dot then its gone.

07-06-08, 21:25
One Sunday morning about 4 years ago I started to get this zig zag of bright light in my left eye.

I was really worried as I hadn't had it before and given the fact that many (well nearly all) members of my family have either had a heart attack or a stroke I thought I was having a stroke.

I went over to casualty and the doctor examined me and told me it was optical migraine. I have never had one since (touch wood):)