View Full Version : drs appt 3:40 really nervous :(

27-05-08, 08:59
Well i've booked my doctors appt about my breast and now im really nervous:weep: .
I've been having breast pain more so in my left breast and with my mum dying of it young im really scared. Gonna ask for a referal to the breast clinic as want to start early screening but am convinced i've already got it been really silly and not only googled but gone on the breast cancer forum for young suffers and its totally freaked me out:scared15: :scared15: .
Im ovulating now so the breast pain is worse it starts at ovulation until my period is finished so im hoping its just hormonal.

Will let you know how I get on Wish me LOADS of LUCK xxxx

27-05-08, 09:23
Hi Kate,

I remember having breast pain a few years back and how I was out of my mind with worry hun. My doctor sent me for a mammogram and the consultant told me even before I told him about my health anxiety that pain is very rarely associated with breast cancer. I wish you luck at the doctors today and I very much doubt its anything to worry about. Let us know how it goes :hugs: xxx

27-05-08, 09:42
I just wanted to say I am sure you will be fine. I suffer breast pain before and during my period----I can understand how worried you are feeling as you lost your mum to breast cancer but i am sure it is just the dreaded HA making you feel rubbish.HA made me feel sooo terrible for months(just starting to feel a bit better) so i can totally sympathise.
The doctor will be able to put your mind at rest.
Take care xxxx

27-05-08, 11:28
Don't worry you will be OK. And everything will be OK to.:yesyes:

27-05-08, 11:45
Breast pain is extremely common, especially one sided. Some months I have it all the time :ohmy:

I was recently at the breast clinic (March) due to a lump and pain and it turned out to be nothing serious, but because I'm generally lumpy the consultant said that it wouldn't hurt to get checked out every 2 years. Not because I have anything to be concerned of, but purely because I have fibrocystic (lumpy, painful) breasts.

27-05-08, 11:55

I get breast pain with pretty much every period, on the left side, lasts for about a week or so, freaked me out at first but doctor told me it was hormonal. I am sure you will be fine, but going to the doctor to put your mind at rest is a good thing, even though I am sure its nothing to worry about.

27-05-08, 13:00
good luck at the docs hun, im sure you will be fine, breast pain can be pretty normal when we are haveing a period and at other times to. it aint very commen to have pain in the boob with breast cancer so try not to worry. but going to your doc about this and asking for a scan will help ease your mind. why is it we women have to suffer this kinda stuff all the time, sometimes i wish i was a man lol hmmmm maybe not lmao.
best wishes to you hun
take care


27-05-08, 21:27
Went docs and she did a good examination of my breasts underarms around shoulders and even my right side kinda following the line of my ribs? why she do this?
Verdict all ok normal breast tissue think I had felt them that much that even I didn't know what was normal anymore.

She has refered me to the breast clinic to start early screening because of the family history.
If there was anything major she would have felt it right?

Thanks for all caring I love this site

27-05-08, 21:42
im so glad everything was ok at dr for you.if there was anything major at all even if there was the slightest doubt she would have known and she would have done something about it,she wouldnt let you walk out of there thinking there was nothing wrong if there was ,so please dont worry you are fine (i wish i could take my own advice sometimes lol).please dont worry you are absolutely fine

jennie xx

28-05-08, 10:06
Hi Kate. If your GP had any doubts or concerns, then you would've been sent straight away for referral so don't worry. Sounds as if she's done a very thorough examination. It's very normal to follow lines of ribs and also up to your collar bone - breast cancer isn't always confined to just the breast. The "breast tissue" covers quite a large area. You should always check for lumps going up to your armpits too.

My screening started when I was 39 (41 now). My consultant recommended every 2 years due to my lumpy fibrous breasts :blush:

28-05-08, 10:15
Hi, I went through the same thing just a few weeks ago, mine was also pain and tenderness in my left breast. I went to the one-day breast clinic and everything was fine.

It is scary though I did a few posts before I went and the support on here was fabulous.

I'm sure it will be fine, try not to worry, but keep us updated of the situation so we can give support.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Christine xx :flowers:

28-05-08, 13:26
hi hun
ive just come back from docs who gave me yet anotha check as i have a largish fibroid!! but i always get a lot of pain 4 about 3 weeks starting at ovulation so dont worry!!! ive taken jennys and doctors advice to go to breast clinic for my own piece of mind!!! he said hes not sending me cos of my boob but for my anxiety !!! as i wont stop worrying till im actually told by a boob doctor!!!! this is so common.. joys of bein a woman eh xxxx:doh:

29-05-08, 08:48
hi hun
ive just come back from docs who gave me yet anotha check as i have a largish fibroid!! but i always get a lot of pain 4 about 3 weeks starting at ovulation so dont worry!!! ive taken jennys and doctors advice to go to breast clinic for my own piece of mind!!! he said hes not sending me cos of my boob but for my anxiety !!! as i wont stop worrying till im actually told by a boob doctor!!!! this is so common.. joys of bein a woman eh xxxx:doh:

Hey Bexy - so glad you're going to the clinic - you will feel so much better :yesyes: They will identify all your lumps and bumps then you will know what is normal for you. As I said earlier, I was only at the clinic in March and was astonished to learn that I have loads of little cysts and nodules in my right breast :ohmy: and absolutely nothing to worry about. My right breast is very fibrocystic. The consultant recommend evening primrose oil to help - apparently after years of taken it, it softens the breast tissue. Only problem is the amount you need to take gives me an upset tummy :blush: so I haven't been taken them as regularly as I should.