View Full Version : Convinced Ive Got MS

27-05-08, 10:39
Hi everyone been reading this website for a while and finanlly decided to join i have always been a stressfull person bur for the past six weeks i have been having the most horrible symptoms
hot burning scalp
shooting pains in head
slight numbness in face
tingling in my fingers not painful but very distracting
i then made the mistake of typing my symptoms into google and everyone comes back with ms i am completely freaked out by this i have visited my gp and he has said he does not think i have ms but sent me for a ct scan it came back clear...so why can i not believe anyone when they say i dont have ms i know im being irrational but i have this niggling feeling that what if im right and i ignore these symptoms i just find it so hard to believe anxiety and stress can make you feel this bad please any advice would help....also do you think if you fixate on something enough you can make your self have the symptoms you have read about x

27-05-08, 11:01
Hiya Mole :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin:
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Plz dont google symptoms it will make you feel so much worse. Anxiety can make you feel that bad and give you all the symptoms you are talking about. have a look at the symptom section on the left under problems/issues. keep posting about what ever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.

love and happiness
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-05-08, 11:09
Hi Mole
A big warm :welcome: to the forum so glad you decided to join us. you will meet soooooooo many people here and make new friends along the way.

Im glad you went to the gp and had the scan, its clear so stop googling for the systoms, it wont do you any good at all, we have all done it.

The systoms you are discribing are like mine, anxiety and panic related. I get alot of head stuff and once was in your situation worrying that i had some thing very wrong with me. anxiety and panic phsyically effects our bodies and will present it self in all kinds of ways.

Keep talking to us, you dont have to be alone with this.

take care of you

27-05-08, 11:22
Thanks for your speedy responses i am back at the GP on friday and am going to discuss my options with him all i know is i cannot carry on like this it is ruining my life i am short with my little girl and constantly find my self worrying about the same thing over and over again i just wish i could convince myself that it is all anxiety related and not something more sinister but i suppose thats to easy and i would be cured. xxxx ps has anyone had CBT is it any good

27-05-08, 11:54
hiya mole ive never had cbt but my daughter has and still is, also an anxitey managment course and i think they are both helping her very much. go to your doc and ask him about it and se if you can go on the list.
take care.


27-05-08, 12:45
Hello Mole And Welcome...........i Wish Ya Well........linda

27-05-08, 13:06
Hi there, I really feel for you with this one, I know exactly what you are going through as I’ve had this same horrible fear since March, along with all sorts of nasty symptoms that just seemed to appear out of nowhere. I’ve seen a neurologist who has said my physical exam was perfectly normal, he doesn’t think I have MS or any progressive illness but I just can’t seem to let it go fully. I’ve got an MRI next month so hoping that will put an end to it all (fingers and everything else crossed).

I know what you mean about not believing the symptoms are just anxiety – when I think of anxiety and panic I think of racing heart and breathlessness, not tingling, burning and numbness (all of which I’ve had, along with the rest, which I’ve posted about on this site). I’ve found (and still am) finding it hard to accept.

In terms of advice, its probably stuff you’ve already been told – seems simple but it does work. Next time you get a symptom, ignore it. My hand has been tingling on and off recently, I ignore it and it goes away. Keep busy – read a book, get out in the garden, or better still do some exercise. This helps you focus on your body and realise that its strong and healthy, not wracked by illness.

I know its difficult to ignore the nagging feeling that tells you that the health professionals have got it wrong, but let’s face it, our doubts are based on a load of google crap whereas their knowledge is based on many years of medical training and extensive experience. If you feel you need extra help, go back to your GP and ask for it. I’m taking beta blockers and they really helped calm me down when it was really bad (not suggesting this is the right thing for you, I've always been a bit suspicious of medication, but I decided to go for it). I’ve also asked to be referred for CBT to try to help me change unhealthy thought patterns that have gotten me into this in the first place.

Above all, try your very best to stay calm – I let my panic get way out of control and my body went absolutely haywire (which in a way, of course, proved that it was anxiety!!). I had a week of really horrible symptoms which I seriously doubt I would have had if I tried to keep calm about it all. And keep posting – there are lots of people on this site going through exactly what you are going through – we’re all here to help each other.

Take care

27-05-08, 13:07
Sorry should have said - have a look at the symptoms page on this site - very useful, informative, and a real comfort. It will explain everything you've had.

27-05-08, 15:08
(Vicky) I thought your answer was perfect!

Hi Mole,

Welcome to the site. As you can already see, many here understand how you feel and will give you support.

Many hugs,


17-08-08, 16:26
Bless you Mole, this is exactly what sent me into a panic, although I think I have also trapped/pinched a nerve in my neck (doing a press up against the kitchin work top to keep fit!!! ) My mother did have MS which as you can imagine keeps the disease right in the front of my thoughts. But at A&E they said my lack of movement, numbness and tingling were not the same, and I know from how my mother's symptoms presented, it is not the same. But I also have breathing problems, dry mouth and so on... But I know how you feel ... Reading the symptoms of anxiety on this site however match up even better with what is happening to me so I am trying to convince myself that it is anxiety that I am suffering with and that has to be a positive compared to MS. I do hope that you are able to do the same and let go of your fear. JillyT

17-08-08, 21:54
Hi Mole

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard.

Lovely to see you here and hopAe we can be of some help.

milly jones
17-08-08, 22:25
hi mole

welcome to nmp

love milly


17-08-08, 22:39
ha i freak out too and think i have ms! so your not alone, welcome x x