View Full Version : ill & depressed

27-05-08, 11:38
hello all

I have suffered with health aniexty and depression on and off from my teens im now 32 my latest spell is the worst yet.I went to the doctors complaining of nausea,tiredness and just not being myself he suggested i should go for some blood tests when i got the letter a week later saying the test's was very slightly abnormal i went into panic and thought the worst went back to the GP she said its really nothing to worry about ( YEAH RIGHT!! ) but just to be safe i should go for a kidney scan i was back to my GP twice that week she said my worry was not normal and booked me in for CBT this was 5 weeks ago and its been the worst 5 weeks of my entire life.
My kidney scan is this Friday and my CBT in 2 weeks i just dont know what to think i just cant believe aniexty can make me feel so bad because i felt like this even before i had my blood test's GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!

27-05-08, 11:57
Hiya David :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin:
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.Take a look at the symptoms on the left under problems/issues and you will see just how anxiety can effect you. keep posting about what ever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.

love and happiness
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-05-08, 12:35
hi david and welcome, please dont panic hun you find find loads of help and support here. i have cbt and its brilliant in the 5 sessions i have had so far i am much more confident and dont worry half as much, you will benefit loads from it but make sure you totally honest with them about everything, they never judge and u only get out of it wot u put in so just tell them everything. you will meet some new friends here to, we are all lovely xxx hugs xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
27-05-08, 12:36
Hi David,
I have to go for a blood test in the morning and I am terrified, I am going into Hospital for a "De-Tox" soon, I am worried about the results, you are not alone buddy.
The only comfort I have is the 28 valiums I was prescibed this morning!

I just hope they can find some blood in my alcohol stream! LOL

Take care,


27-05-08, 12:40
Hello David And Welcome........i Wish Ya Well...........linda

Pink Panic
27-05-08, 13:05
Hello David and Welcome to No More Panic :hugs:


27-05-08, 13:43
Hi David

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

27-05-08, 14:14
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome its comforting to be around people who understand.

27-05-08, 15:20
Hi David,

Welcome to the site. Yes, many here do understand exactly what you are going through and you will get support. Health anxiety can cause much anxiety. I am so glad you found us.

Many hugs,


milly jones
27-05-08, 15:28
hey david,

welcome to the nmp family

milly xx