View Full Version : Sorry to ask again

27-05-08, 11:44
I am sorry to ask again,as I only joined yesterday & am frightened that people will think there is something wrong with me that I have to ask again. I just need to know I am not going mad or ill. I get so scared that it will never go away. I am always frightened or in a panic. My mind will not relax.

I thought the best way would be to put my worries in point form. I did have some lovely replies yesterday, but in my current state, dont feel its enough :weep: .

1a. When reading a line or sentence, my mind mis reads it by assuming it says something else & replaces it with words it thinks its reading.

b. I see a word but my mind sees a word in it or one that sounds like it & decides thats the word to use.

c. I think of a word but my mind chooses a similar one instead.

I really am very scared that there is some thing seriously wrong with me. I just came off the phone to my Mother, I tried to explain to her about the above problem, but I think she thinks there is something wrong with me. I get scared to read. Even re reading this, I seem to scramble the sentences.

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2a. My mind seems to ramble on from the time I wake up, to the time I go to bed & even then I ramble on in my half awake /sleep state.

b. My mind is constantly repeating things it picks up, eg today, saw the word pepsi on the TV & for about 5, 10 mins the word kept going around & around & sometimes saying it backwards. I do the same with time, pin numbers words from a sentence i heard. I dont do intentionally, my mind seems to have a will of its own.

I know so many people have so many worries, but I feel so scared right now, I just need some support.

27-05-08, 12:05
You sound ok to me, of course you want to ask again, on here there are people who understand and you get some fantastic support.

In 'real life' its different as most people don't undertand, now my Best friend used to have panick attacks and before i had one I used to brush her off and tell her to relax, and yes I even bought her some radox for her birthday!! My mum doesn't understand, I have tried t explain but she makes comments like I am my own worst enemy etc etc, so I don't bother now. When it first started happening I wanted to tell the world and his wife all about it, but learn't over the years is easier for me if I try to keep information to the selected few who do understand/or try to.

As for repeating things, I do this all the time, I will hear a phrase and it goes round and around for ages, my son picked up 'in your face' from school, and after he said it for the first time it went round for the rest of the evening. I have been doing it for years and do not worry about it.

Also can totally relate to mind racing, i used to actually feel the ache because I was thinking too much and to me what I was thinking was total rubbish.

On my sons homework for the last few weeks its been saying you need to work on your handwriting, i read it again this week and same comment, I had a word saying he must try harder etc etc, then when I looked later it actually said you must of tried hard with your handwriting, so I am also replacing words and seeing things not as they are.

Reading your post you seem to be where I was about 5 years ago worrying about everything, for me and I am sure you as well, it will end. Nothing you have said makes me think it is anything other than stress/anxiety related.

I have not seen your other thread, but have you been suffering long, have you been to the docs?

27-05-08, 12:08
Have just read your other thread, and see your on citalopram, I was on these for years and found them to be fantastic for me. How long have you been taking them?

27-05-08, 12:08

As you are well aware, anxiety has so many things to answer for. I have never had similar problems as yours, but I am sure that someone on here has and will soon come along and try to put your mind at ease, but on saying that, sometimes I CAN see a word, and it will go around and around in my head, until that word really doesn't make any sense anymore, and then I question myself as to whether it was really a word, or was it something I made up. Our minds, like anxiety can play such awful tricks on us at times.

You are NOT going out of your mind. It is anxiety and stress that are causing these symptoms, and once you can accept that, it will get a little easier (and yes I know its frigtening, and I also know its hard to accept too).

Sorry if this hasn't been much help, but I just want you to know that you are not alone.


27-05-08, 12:16
Thank you so much for the reply.

I have been off work for five weeks now. The Dr has put me on Citalopram. The first two weeks I was just a nervous wreck that cried. I just seem unable to cope with the costant state of fear & worry, its with me all the time. Of course, as you have noticed, I am not dealing with the reading problems I am having. It seems to be constant at the moment. Everything I read I jumble, I just want it to stop. I am also forgetful, have blanks, like I cant always remember what I did a day or two previous.

I really do appreciate your reply :) thank you so much.

27-05-08, 12:20
hiya hun, let me reasure you that this is all quite normal for a tierd/stressed and over anxious mind. it is all part of the anxiety, i am like that way also, i have trouble remembering what i read/saw,i misread things and see diff words than the ones that are there, i even carnt remember fone message i have to give ppl. but i found this is much worse when i am very anx/stressed/tierd.i think you are over worrying about it hun and you may find that this makes it worse as you are getting more anx about it. plz try not to worry it is normal and when you dont feel so anx you may find it not happening so much.

take care.


08-09-20, 08:08
1a. When reading a line or sentence, my mind mis reads it by assuming it says something else & replaces it with words it thinks its reading.

This happens to me, and in my case I often see rude words. Oops.

I really am very scared that there is some thing seriously wrong with me. I just came off the phone to my Mother, I tried to explain to her about the above problem, but I think she thinks there is something wrong with me. I get scared to read. Even re reading this, I seem to scramble the sentences.

Nothing wrong with the above - except the part where you think your mother thinks there is something wrong with you. You can't see into her mind, so what makes you think that?

2a. My mind seems to ramble on from the time I wake up, to the time I go to bed & even then I ramble on in my half awake /sleep state.

The anxious mind is always busy busy busy..

b. My mind is constantly repeating things it picks up, eg today, saw the word pepsi on the TV & for about 5, 10 mins the word kept going around & around & sometimes saying it backwards. I do the same with time, pin numbers words from a sentence i heard. I dont do intentionally, my mind seems to have a will of its own.

I do all of this, but I'm autistic. This is normal to me - except numbers - I can't retain numbers. (Dyscalculia) I get songs stuck in a loop - which is ok if I like them, but not ok if I don't.

08-09-20, 11:47
The OP hasn't been on since 2008....

Positive thoughts

08-09-20, 15:00
The OP hasn't been on since 2008....

Positive thoughts

Dammit. Never even looked at the date on the OP!

It was early - is my excuse.:winks:

08-09-20, 23:16
Dammit. Never even looked at the date on the OP!

It was early - is my excuse.:winks:

No worries... Great reply and advice! :yesyes:... Hopefully someone will read it and glean some positivity :)

Positive thoughts