View Full Version : Change in anxiety?

11-04-05, 03:42
Ok before it felt like food was stuck on my throat now when i swallow it feels like the food is going down very slowly in my throat, is that normal for things to change like that?

Hi i'm John

11-04-05, 05:38
yes very normal. keep at it and it will get better slowly


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11-04-05, 12:10
It will get easier with time :D

11-04-05, 14:05
Another thing, i drink alot of coffee in the morning, should i stop for awhile?

Hi i'm John

11-04-05, 16:03
Yes, caffiene will not be helping but cut down slowly as you may get withdrawals.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-04-05, 16:24
Hi John,

My throat condition started about 3 months ago and just recently it's been changing every 2 to 3 days. I started with the "pill stuck in the throat" feeling. It progressed to the feeling of food not going down above my adams apple. It then changed to the feeling of a hand clasped around it. Lately it's a tense feeling above my adams apple that makes me feel like choking when I speak. I'm a week into a new anti depressant so I'm just accepting that some of these changes may also be related to that but my throat symptoms do change a lot. I'll be glad when they've gone completely!


11-04-05, 16:50
Caffeine makes me panic loads. Try cutting down and I'm sure it will make a big difference - there's always decaffeinated!! :D

11-04-05, 16:51
Thing is the feeling in my throat is pretty much gone, it ooccasionaly comes once in awhile but other then that i dont feel it, my main problem is eating.. i'm very afraid to eat in fear of choking and it really got me down because i like to eat and its very frustrating when i see my favorite foods infront of me and i cant eat it.

Hi i'm John

11-04-05, 17:24
Like everything with anxiety you have to force yourself to try it and just go with it.

Start with soft and work your way through the options.

You are afraid and have a learnt fear. There is no evidence that you will choke again. Have someone else nearby if its helps.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-04-05, 17:46

My dads, cousins husband went through exactly the same problem. He couldn't eat in front of anyone and could only eat when laying down on his own. He has since made a full recovery and not only can he eat normally sitting up but he can also eat in front of people now too. It will get better. Like Meg says, start with little and soft and work from there until you gain a bit more confidence.


11-04-05, 21:30
Thats not my problem tho, i cant eat at all.. infront of people or laying down, sometimes i do force myself to eat like yesterday with my friends i was able to eat alittle bit of a beef patty, its actually easier for me to eat our around people then alone at home ( though both are very hard) and its really got me down because i'm very hungry and this thing has got me depressed

Hi i'm John

11-04-05, 21:48
Hi John

Why dont you try with soup first. Its more like a drink. Then maybe try soups with that have chunky veg in them. I think that sometimes we can think too much about something and make it worse than it seems. I know that I do. I think that I posted to you before about my sister and her lump in her throat. She cannot eat when she has this and loses so much weight. Don't expect too much and try not to force yourself. Eat little and often and start out with a more positive approach to it. Gradually you will see an improvement but it wont come overnite.

Good luck and let us know how you are getting on.

Take care


12-04-05, 03:01
i don't want to lose weight what should i do to keep my weight in balace? milkshakes?

Hi i'm John

12-04-05, 18:42
Hi there
sorry you are having problems with food right now, take things slowly, milkshakes are fine, soups, anything you can, when i feel like this i try to distract myself whilst eating, like reading the paper, watching tv....i sometimes wander about inbetween mouthfuls, it's not advisable but sometimes seems to take away some of the pressure of 'i must eat' i'm not keen on eating either with or without people and rarely enjoy a meal, but if you saw the size of me you would never believe it! take things slowly, drink plenty of fluids, and keep in touch. Oh and by the way, my symtoms change more or less on a daily basis, i get rid of one and another appears almost immediately, i think it's because we are so aware of every little twinge etc....

12-04-05, 19:08
I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! i'm going nuts.. you guys dont know how hungry I am, this is driving me crazy because I want to eat REAL food so bad.

Hi i'm John

12-04-05, 19:19

Its exasperating isnt it....have a cup a soup and pretend its a roast dinner?

As long as you keep drinking water you will be fine.


13-04-05, 03:34
Ok now that other symptoms seems to have dissapeard where i swallow and it feels like its going down slowly, now i just feel out of breathe once in awhile but still cant eat solid food

Hi i'm John

13-04-05, 14:19
now that the other symptom has sorta dissapeard does that mean i'm getting better? and if so, how long till i'm able to eat again?

Hi i'm John

13-04-05, 14:31
Yes itr would seem like its improving .

You keep trying to eat something regularly and soon you'll be able to have a mouthful and that wil grow back to eating well..


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...