View Full Version : New and Hello

27-05-08, 11:45

Just joined today... glad to find people who are like me, I thought I was the only one... that I was a "strange crazy lady".

Very difficult to explain to others why I feel like I do, how I react the way I do, I have a variety of panics, anxiety, concerns, worries!!

Ok - we know why I am here, so here is a bit about me:

I am 34, single mum with two children (not looking for love - need to love me first before I can let anyone else in!!) I work full-time. Work is a god-sent, as I would defintely hide behind my four walls and never be seen again.

However, work is all I do do!! I can drive to and from work... any change to my routine throws me into a complete panic. I cannot drive outside the "hidden" boundary of where I live - I cannot sit as a passenger in a car, I used to be able to focus my attention on a DS - but even this does not keep my focus anymore.

I pre-plan and panic at everything, from the minute my eyes open in the morning til I manage to sleep.......

I have been to the doctors - been prescribed fluoxetine 20 mg daily and go back in 4 weeks to see how I am getting on. Was on proprananol but they did not seem to work, they paper over the cracks but do not seem to make the panic disappear!!! Not sure if I can use both at the same time but will discuss this with my GP next visit.

So this is me...... :winks:

Pink Panic
27-05-08, 11:49
Hello Sima and Welcome from one "strange crazy lady" to another :hugs:

You will get loads of great advice here and make some lovely friends.


27-05-08, 12:03
Hi Pink,

Thanks for your reply....

S xx:winks:

27-05-08, 12:08
Hiya Sima :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin:
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Im so glad you are continuing to go to work, as it would be all to easy to hind behind the walls of your house. try not to tackle to many problems at once as it is easy to become over whelmed and give in. have you talked to you doc about anxitey managment course of some cbt theropy? i think you may benifit from it. keep posting about what ever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.

love and happiness
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-05-08, 12:19
Hi Kellie,

Thank you for my message - nice to know there is support....

CBT is something my Doc spoke to me about - but I need to have the name of a consultant before BUPA will put me forward... But I want to wait the first month, speak to my doctor and then go forward.

At the moment - speaking about it is hard. I am hoping this forum will allow me to loosen up a bit.

As you said, try not to do too much - this is my problem, I want to be fixed in a day - otherwise I feel like i am not in control of myself and the situation I am in..... :( then I start to panic.... Also - I worry about the affect I may have on my children being how I am - one is 9 the other is 12; both are very sensitive to how I am ..... I just do not want them to grow up thinking I was a burden (I admit that they are my security blanket - something I recognise and a main push to resolve my problems somehow).

S xx

27-05-08, 12:42
Hello Sima And Welcome...........i Wish Ya Well...........linda

27-05-08, 13:46
Hi Sima

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

27-05-08, 15:29
Hi Sima,

Welcome to the site. We all understand what you are going through. I am no doctor but you might be suffering from a touch of OCD. I say that because I am a bit like you. I had to have everything planned out and in order so I could be in control. I felt like if I had everything in control I more or less had my anxiety in control which of course I didn't. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and ocd. I was also cleaning all the time to release my anxiety. I also have 2 children but am married, believe me your children will not think you are a burden. Medication has helped but so did the therapy. I had to loosen up. To the outside world I appeared carefree but I wasn't inside. I was wired tight.

I hope this helps some and I'm glad you found us. Good luck with your meds, they take awhile before kicking in and feel free to private message me if you want. We are all here to help.



27-05-08, 16:13
Hi Laura,
<quote>I felt like if I had everything in control I more or less had my anxiety in control which of course I didn't. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and ocd. I was also cleaning all the time to release my anxiety.<quote>

I think there is some truth in what you put above. I used to be a clean freak, but lately I cannot even bring myself to move off my chair when I get home. However, I like to control everything around me, it makes me feel "safe" and if something happens, which I didn't decide (someone might surprise me with a day out) then I cannot go; I panic that something will go wrong because it was not me who had planned it, pre-planned it, looked at all that could go wrong, weighed up the pro's and cons and decided the best way to control the day!!! (gosh - i just re-read that and I sound erm... I don't know what I sound like)......


milly jones
27-05-08, 16:54
hi sima,

welcome to nmp

take heart that there are ppl who understand here hun xx


27-05-08, 18:07
Hi Sima,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice her.
Best wishes,

28-05-08, 14:30
Hi Sima,

I answered you in pm.

