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miss diagnosis
27-05-08, 14:37
Hi all

Had an op on my back when i was 18 to remove 2 slipped disks. since then i have suffered arthirtis now and again especailly when the weather changes.(im 28 its a scourge now!)

Anyway today was a bad back day and i took some difene which promptly made me throw up

I googled backache and vomiting and according to google i have the ebola virus!!!

made me feel better cos it really does give you the worst case scenario!

27-05-08, 15:00
:roflmao: that is indeed funny! Makes you open your eyes to things :)

Thank you for sharing!:yesyes:

27-05-08, 15:01
i had parkinsons last year, this year its a brain tumour, so far anyway. I'm sure i've had cervical, ovarian and bowel cancer too. (nervous twitch, headache, a period and constipation!)

What a bunch of plonkers we are

27-05-08, 15:02
lmao miss, just goes to show you how bad googling can be.
Thanks for sharing that with us

take care.


27-05-08, 15:06
According to mr google (as i only ever google cancer related things) i have had/got every cancer under the sun lol.
at the mo the lump in my throat syndrome is throat cancer.
thank god for nomorepanic otherwise id be in a nut home im sure
stop googling ppl.

take care all


27-05-08, 15:36
Yes I know how terrible google is(dont i Kellie LOL!!!). It is true that anything you put in comes up as cancer because i googled loads of random(symptoms i dont have) and it came back as cancer----i just put anything in!!!!!!
Sorry to hijack ---just to say thanks for your kind wishes re my nephew Kellie----funeral Thursday so my mind is on my SIL as i cant imagine her pain xxxxx

27-05-08, 22:00
Googling has sent me into such a hypochondric. I was convinced i had a brain tumour..now im thinking anyersm or a heart condition after googling a whooshin heart beat in ears & palpataions. despite this i know i have a problem with fluid in my ears-which i know is causing these symptoms & previous labrynthitis..
Its crazy despite my understanding of my health anxiety and how i know im a hypochondriac i still worry i have problems...its awful & google is making it worse..i know mine started with labrynthits as since then im obsesssed over my health.
Things are good at the mo until i get a headache, which is usually related to my cycle then the vicious thoughts start again...we have to laugh about our crazy minds xxx

27-05-08, 23:22
Googling has sent me into such a hypochondric. I was convinced i had a brain tumour..now im thinking anyersm or a heart condition after googling a whooshin heart beat in ears & palpataions. despite this i know i have a problem with fluid in my ears-which i know is causing these symptoms & previous labrynthitis..
Its crazy despite my understanding of my health anxiety and how i know im a hypochondriac i still worry i have problems...its awful & google is making it worse..i know mine started with labrynthits as since then im obsesssed over my health.
Things are good at the mo until i get a headache, which is usually related to my cycle then the vicious thoughts start again...we have to laugh about our crazy minds xxx

Mine started with labyrinthitis too, thats what annoys me about all this though cos you don't just lie in bed and think 'oh what shall i imagine myself dying of today?' I hate it when people call me a hypochondriac, I was dizzy, my doc said I don't think you have MS! I was terrified of cancer before he said that, I hadn't even thought about MS!

I had a lump in my throat, turned out to be a cyst, but lump means maybe cancer to me. I had a lump in my boob, turned out to be a cyst, u find a lump in your boob surely everyone would think 'sh*t, breast cancer!' lol

My health anxiety has always been triggered by actually finding something physically wrong and my brain just goes into overdrive! My lovely gran just died of bowel cancer so I will be on the look out for that now no doubt! lol You have to laugh at yourself don't you!?!

28-05-08, 10:00
Good post Miss Diagnosis :D

I googled dizziness once and convinced myself I had meningitis :ohmy:. Have googled various other symptoms (naughty I know :lac: ) but have self-diagnosied various cancers - stomach, pancreas, ovarian, bowel, breast etc etc, lymph node cancer, MS, heart problems, brain haemorrhage - it's been endless :mad: . I must drive my doctor (and husband) up the wall. But I cant help it. Thank god for NOMOREPANIC :)

I really need to let my doctor make the diagnosis and not Dr Google