View Full Version : twitching

11-04-05, 09:22
went for a weekend to yarmouth a few weeks ago and managed to have a fab weekend, i couldnt stay out really late i got hot flushes and just wanted to go to the caravan to sleep but didnt go into panic and once back at the caravan settled really well, although what i experienced in bed was really really bizzar i lay there getting to sleep and my bum muscles were doing a really violent shaking and twitching although the rest of my body was fine. i told andy he looked in amazement i couldnt control it and had to let it do its thing, since then its like my muscles twitch without no rhyme or reason and with no other aparent symptoms has anyone else experienced this or know what this is all about? replys greatefuly received Love Sarah-jane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

11-04-05, 10:03
Hiya Sarah-Jane,

Mu bum, legs and thighs used to do this all the time. I think is unused adrenalin, floating around in our blood needing to be used up.
It comes out as twitching.

This is how I explained it to myself anyway. Like your reflexes.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

11-04-05, 10:12
Hi sarah jane

glad you enjoyed yourself,

My eye keeps twitching feel like im winking at people, not sure if its the same sort of thing, its been doing it for a couple of weeks now i just think it has stopped and it starts again so maybe its me LOL

kairen x

11-04-05, 11:53
Hi Sarah-Jane

I had this a couple of years ago before I knew I was even suffering from stress and anxiety. I looked up twitches on google (cardinal sin) and convinced myself of all sorts. Obviously it turned out just to be a stress related symptom and as soon as I accepted this they stopped really quickly. I agree with jude I am sure it is the body getting rid of the excess adrelin that we produce.

I mostly got them at night, in by calfs, thighs and bum muscles and ocassionally shoulds and arms. It does feel and look weird though - doesn't it!!!!

Well done for relaxing enough to enjoy your break.

Take care...Angie

11-04-05, 12:11
Well done!! Am glad to hear that you had a good time :D

11-04-05, 14:10
hi sarah, i also suffer from twitching , the others are right its adrenalin. all due to anxiety.my head twitchers on its own i carnt stop it . but ive been reassured so many times it will go when my anxiety gets less ( i hope) its all part of anxiety . try not to worrie im sure it will go in time ... p m me im here if you need a chat ... glad you enjoyed yourself... take care

dove x x

11-04-05, 15:19
Yes it is unused adrenalin. A bit of exercise does wonder for the big muscle ones and some relaxation to disperse the smaller ones.

It is not uncommon to have almost rigor like shakes when really very anxious and afraid.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

agent orange
11-08-08, 11:54
I have these, I usually put them down to stress/anxiety and tiredness.