View Full Version : Taking Citalopram for 4 weeks.

27-05-08, 15:35
Hi All,

I am into my fourth week of taking citalopram..It has definatley helped with the panic attacks as in the first two weeks my anxiety increased and i was having terrible side effects.

How long does it normally take for citalopram to kick in?Ive read it can be 4-6 weeks??

I keep havng silly stupid thoughts and then it starts my acid reflux off and trapped wind etcetc and its such a vicous circle..I hate it..

If anyoine has any advice or update as to how they feel with the citalopram please send me a message.I would appreciate some advice :-)

Clarkybird x

milly jones
27-05-08, 17:00
hi im on week 8 now , 30mg due to see psychiatrist tomorrow.

i feel general aggitation has lessened, though im very emotional and down and feel more socially inadequate.

however i am sleeping now and not waking with irrational thoughts and worries which is a huge improvement

take care,

milly xx

04-06-08, 17:29
It took me 6 weeks to begin to work and the side effects to wear off, it was hellish for those 6 weeks but it definately got better.