View Full Version : personality

11-04-05, 10:21
Before i found this site i used to think i had a split personality, one minute i was mrs oh so confident bubbly person, then the next be a jibbering wreck, I know on here so many people have the same thoughts as me, but i still maybe think that a little bit, dont think i;ve ever got away from that feeling that im weird to feel like this,

Ive just read that and it doesnt make sence LOL can any one sort of see where im cominf from on this or is it just me.

Im on my way to a job interview and im really nervouse been a long time since i've been to one, but i have these two voices in my head one saying "you will be fine nothing to woryy about stop being stupid", then this other one sayin "oh my god what if u cant think of anything to say or worse say something stupid" "oh what if i just sit and cry imagine that ahhhhh im doing it again, now im thinking ill just ring them and say im not coming, aahh see what i mean LOL

right im going to tidy girls bedroom that will keep- me occupied for and hour,

sorry to ramble LOL

kairen x

11-04-05, 11:37
Hi Kairen,

Listen to the positive voice and ignore the negative one, its just tryin to scare you.

Im sure you will not do anything terrible there. We always think we might, but we never do!

Good luck.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

11-04-05, 12:13
hi Kairen,

We all get this sometimes. Just try to listen to the positive one as much as possible and the negative one will slowly go away..

Sarah :D

11-04-05, 15:28

Congratulations on the interview.
Whats is it for ?

Its our normal internal dialogue. Everyone has one that helps make every descision.

Make sure the rational voice always wins and you'll be well on the up..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-04-05, 18:44
Thanks meg,

The job is for a care worker with the eldery who i love being with,
and fingers crossed the interview went great and she said as long as my references checked out ok i would go in for a 2nd interview, but she didnt see any probs so hopefully job is mine,

funnily enough before i went i was just looking through the site cos there is still so much i keep finding but i was reading your post about keeping thoughts in perspective, and im so glad i found it cos it really helped, everything you said just makes sence, and i dont think i have ever looked at it from that point, so thank you so much for that xxx.

I only found this site a short time ago, but i have had more information and support in that short time than in all my years of doc, appointments and counsellors, i now feel like i actually understand myself a bit better, i have always just really got annoyed with myself b4 told myself not 2 be daft etc, and i can see what your saying in im just replacing it with another neg, thought.

This site has been a gods send, and i'd like to thank everyone who puts so much time into it and makes it such a place of comfort and understanding

THANK YOU >>>>> x

kairen x

11-04-05, 19:15

It makes it all worthwhile when we know that some advice or tip has really helped someone in a specific situation.

Sometimes, its easy to get complacent with anxiety and just hold out for that miracle to happen and stop making the effort yourself as you think its an unreachable task and small changes will not help, whereas, in reality it's the small changes that then spark your next change and the next and the next.

Also, when you are convinced about what YOU think is wrong and people are telling you thats its all thoughts and dialogue based and not reality - its a very bitter pill to swallow.. But you will not improve at all until you are at least open enough to accept that your self diagnosis of xxxxx may not be correct and that your thoughts may be totally misleading you ..

You then get a lightbulb moment and the mist lifts for a moment or two and then later on for another few minutes etc.

Glad you're getting there and of course hope you get the job.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-04-05, 19:20
hi kairen, i have just been through the same thing myself, the interview was terrifying, but i just found out i got the job!!! you will get there babe, please dont worry i bet you are fine xxx now i got to go away for a training course......im scared!!!!!!!!!!! hope you are ok hon


11-04-05, 21:05
firstly, congratulations celia!
hope your interview went well kairen - hope you get the job!
i think that everyone has that split personality thing you are talking about, it's like that 'angel on one shoulder, devil on the other' thing.
ignore all the bad stuff and listen to the positive voice!!!
take care,
henri x

11-04-05, 21:15
congratulations celia,

Well done, i have to wait about a week till they get references back then i have to go back then i have to do a weeks course there, then a 13 week one, i'm nervous but excited at the same time.

thanks for the replies everyone, at least when i go for 2nd interview i wont be so nervous LOL fingers crossed...

kairen x

11-04-05, 21:47
Hi Kairen

Lets hope you wont be and you do well. Hope if we can arrange a meet up at my house soon you can make it hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

12-04-05, 09:48
Hi Kairen
Good luck with the job i've got my fingers crossed for you. Don't forget to us posted with how it all goes.
Take care

12-04-05, 11:15
I see where you are coming from Kairen and if you are wierd then so am I!

I've tried to make light of that negative voice. I imagine he's like that little gremlin in the adverts for learning (do you know the one I mean?) He sits on my shoulder and tries to tell me that all sorts of silly thing will happen.

So, if you are ever out and about and see this mad looking woman slapping her shoulder, it's only me brushing him away!

good luck with the job! {:)]


12-04-05, 16:49
Thanks Roma,

yeh i do that to LOL,
Mind that little gremlin is gettin smaller since i found this site the support is just brilliant always having some one who understands you, and offering practical advice as well as a sympathetic ear,

I think had i not found this site i would have gone back on my meds thinking i couldnt cope, SO THANKS AGAIN TO THE GUYS AT THE TOP LOL.......XXX

kairen x

12-04-05, 18:01

Keep up that positive thinking girl. You sound as though you are doing great and am sure that you have been boosted in the right direction. You faced a fear and now you are being rewarded. I think we all have the split personality so you are def not alone with that one. We are our own worst critics and it takes alot of effort to change things.

Good luck and fingers crossed.

Take care
