View Full Version : The panic attacks have returned!!

27-05-08, 16:56
Last night i had my first panic attack for 3 months. It only lasted about 20 minutes which is quite short for me. I suddenly started to hyperventilate and my heart was racing, i also had that aweful feeling of dropping dead or going mad. I managed to distract myself by reading a book and slowing my breathing down and thankfully it passed.
Today i feel absolutely aweful!! really lethargic like i've got the beginnings of the flu or something. Does anyone else get this achy feeling with their anxiety?

I'm not sure why the attacks have returned by i have been getting anxious about our family holiday in 4 weeks so maybe all the worrying has come to a head?

27-05-08, 17:05
Hi Amy,

Sorry to hear you had a bad night. I generally feel worse at night because I'm less distracted and far too aware of what my body is doing! Buy looking on the positive side, you have dealt with it by distracting yourself and slowing your breathing which is really good.

I do feel pretty bad after being anxious or panicky. I think its something to do with the tension you have in your body, which can leave you aching, and also all that extra adrenaline which your body thought it needed then didnt use. Sometimes going for a short walk if you can manage it helps ease things - and its good for your confidence.

You could be right about the holiday. I do find travel makes me anxious though I'm much better than I used to be. Do you find travel hard? Something like rescue remedy might help..

27-05-08, 17:10
This is my first holiday abroad since the anxiety started. It all began in October and i was so hoping that it would have got better by the time our holiday came. It's not just a holiday it's our honeymoon as well!!
I am looking forward to it but i'm also so scared of being ill and anxious in a foreign country.(it's Zante we are going to by the way)

27-05-08, 17:18
The anxiety does come and go. You may find that you will be better in time. But its good to bear in mind that this might be a longer term thing. Often the panic/anxiety takes a long time to reach a peak before we really notice it, then we need time to get better.

There are breathing exercises and lots of really helpful information in the Self-help section here at NMP. I found it ever so useful and reassuring. Even though lots of it is common sense, being told (reading) about it seems to make it easier to understand.

The main things which helped me are cutting back on caffeine, I drink de-caff or occasional cup of tea now. I keep camomile & spearmint flavour tea as it soothes my stomach and my nerves at the same time. I also try to make sure I get enough sleep as I'm more anxious when tired, and not have too many sugary things as the extra sugar makes me too whizzy! :scared15:

Hope this helps. PM me if you like.

28-05-08, 07:24
Hi AmyB,

yes it is a normal feeling, im always drained and lethargic the next day after i have had an anxiety/panic attack. I think its also because it takes so much energy out of you when having it.

28-05-08, 12:19

Sorry to hear bout your panic atack. U done well distracting yourself.

I always feel lousy after an attack. i had small attack yesterday and although i controlled it before it realyl started, i even managed to oversleep this mornig cause i was so tired!

love mandie x

13-07-08, 23:59

after mine had 3 months period in between the last one,it stopped. I know it may come back. But not having any for 6 months. Now off of medicine too. Do not loose hope. You'll be ok :) even if they come back, look you know what to do now. we gotta be proud of ourselves not worried...