View Full Version : feeling down

27-05-08, 17:09

god were do i start :wacko:

i have just been feeling so up and down the last few weeks so much to think and stress about i try not to bother ppl with it as i know everyone has there own things to deal with.
my dad has been ill for some time now and this week he has not been good at all i can see in his face how much pain he is in and it hurts not to be able to do anything about it .
my health anx is realy bad i have a few symptoms ladys probs my doc,s say oh i think you will be fine we will do a few tests ,but i am sure i have cancer :doh: why is it i think this every time !i know i have put the tests off for so long now i am thinking i have left it to late ! bloody crazy i know but it is realy getting me down .
i went to my little girls grave and had to walk away i just didnt think i could deal with it and sooo on i am just realy down and starting to think this is not going to get better no matter what i do grrrr

sorry for the rant

jodie x

Hope 2
27-05-08, 19:03
Hey Jodie :flowers:

Please never apologise, everyone needs help/support and you are as important as the next person (says me !!). There are a few of us at the mo who are finding life is throwing extra dung our way. We can be here for each other can't we hun eh. I have had beliefs (ocd wise), that have made me believe I or someone cos of me is gonna die from a certain condition. Now after recent personal events and 7 yrs of 'no life', I am gonna try for something better than this. Your post says so much about the kind of lass you are, hang in there and with care and support you can feel less horrid :hugs: .

best of wishes
Hope xx

ps. we can all come through this and be even stronger and more fabulous ok !

27-05-08, 19:04
aww hun sorry you are having a bad time right now. when i get back from holiday i will ring you ok hun. im sure :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: your tests will turn out fine. as you know i am going through a blip right now . we will get through it jodie. we will help each other get through it all
love from your best friend:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

27-05-08, 19:28
awww thanks girls

hope ....it is just realy hard i can cope with mabe one thing at a time but when there is a few things on my mind i feel it is all so much and then end up like this ,things feel all to much to deal with ..crazy how the mind works realy .

deb ..... you have a nice time away hun you need to time away from things :hugs: i hope the time away makes you feel a little better

jodie xx

27-05-08, 20:20
Hi Jodie,

Sometimes when we think of all the things than have or can go wrong,2+2 can equal 5.we are almost pre-disposed to wonder-as you do- if things will ever change.
The reality is that we cannot know.There are things we can affect and things we cannot affect.
You can do your best to honour the memory of your beloved daughter.
You can do your best to help and support your Dad through his illness.
You can do your best to respect yourself for the trauma you have had to deal with in your life.Don't forget that in ther midst of this very upsetting time,you are still here on a daily basis,striving to support others.
It takes a very special person to do that.
One day at a time,you have the chance to fight for your health and when you look at what you have come through,maybe that's not so bad.You will never know if this is "it" for you,until you reach the end of your journey in life.
As an "outsider" looking in,you are a clearly much loved and respected member of the Forum.You have much to offer others.
You also have much to offer yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,

27-05-08, 21:20
Hey chick,

Am sorry you are feeling down hun but u know what...... you can always shout to me on msn or pm or watever xxxxxx


Health anx is poop - makes ur head do things and think things that make u go :shrug:

Hope ur dad is ok xxxxxx

You need a nice treat.........get that man of urs to do something special for u! If u want will teach him to cook u something nice :yesyes: lol:bighug1:


27-05-08, 22:32

We just had a good old girly yakk on msn but i just want to say again, don't feel like poop on your own! please just pick up the phone and call me. i don't mind what time it is, just call OK???

Your a great mate to me and i adore you, so let me be a great mate back!!

Love you loads kido



27-05-08, 22:50

Have a big hug from me as you are always there for me when I want to rant and rave.

I am here for you too mate :bighug1:

I hope you get the problems sorted soon and your dad feels better.


28-05-08, 09:51
Jodie big hugs from me sweetie :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxx

28-05-08, 10:09
Things will get better just take one day at a time.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Just a few hugs to help you along.

Christine xx :flowers:

28-05-08, 12:40

chalky, thank you so much for your kind words i have no idea how you do it but you seen to be able to make people feel so much better and so much more you are clearly a very understaning careing guy thank you soooo much:hugs:

claire , thanks mate lol i will get daz to call you for some help with cooking lol

lisa, thank you to it felt better after having a chat your a good mate :hugs:

nic, thank you to for letting me rant on when your not feeling well eather :hugs:

jodie xxx