View Full Version : Reasonable to expect basic testing

27-05-08, 18:41
I have been wondering for a while now if i could have anything physically wrong with me that could be causing some of my anxiety symtoms but i assumed that because i had been referred into the mental health system and now have a psychiatrist, CPN and therapy that this had somehow been ruled out.

However, after posting on here about how i had never had any testing on my bloods etc and the replies i received it gave me the confidence to ask my psychiatrist today.

She was EXTREMELY shocked to say the least that i had got this far through the system and hadnt had even the basics checked for ie. glucose, thyroid, kidneys, liver etc... she said she hadnt even checked because it is assumed it would have been done by the time i reached her.

She wrote a strongly worded letter to my GP there and then and demanded all these tests be done, probably wont come back with anything but it is always best to rule things out, and for my own peice of mind.

Basically, all i wanted to say is if anyone on here hasnt had a basic check up from their GP before they are diagnosed with anxiety/panic/depression please ask for it to be done immediately, it is your right and SHOULD have been carried out. I didnt know this until people on this site told me, and it gave me the confidence to ask today, im so glad i have, so thank you to you all! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-05-08, 20:16
i recently did the same thing.

ive been seeing a counsellor for a couple of months, and ive been given diazepam and been offered anti-depressants (which i refused). My dad who is a social worker asked the clinical psychologist on his team and his response was similar to the one yours had, very surprised.

Anyway, ive had my bloods and everything is fine bar my vitamin b12 levels which were low. ive had some more bloods to check my gut is absorbing it all but i dont think its related to anxiety anyway. i guess its a bonus!

anyway, after loads of research (as everyone does im sure) there are many things that could cause this so its definitely worth having done!

27-05-08, 20:23
Hi there, I'm not shocked by this because, yup, same thing happened to me and I really believe that its been a major contributory factor to the state I'm currently in.

I went to GP worried about MS, she said no, my symptoms 'weren't typical' (both my hands had been feeling numb and tingly for a few days, I panicked and my feet went numb). Asked about a neurology referral and she said she would organise. Then I asked if there were any other checks that could be done at the surgery (thinking physical exam, bloodwork etc), incredibly she said no....then starts banging on about MS, all excited at the thought that I had it. She made some very inappropriate comments when I suggested going private - basically 'save your money for a nice holiday once you're diagnosed'. You can imagine the state I was in after that - I had symptom after symptom and am still getting them.

I saw another few GPs after that - first one I saw immediately ordered full bloodwork (which eventually was clear). Anyway, I ended up seeing a private neurologist and am awaiting an MRI (which neuro doesn't think I need).

I am extremely angry at the way this GP dealt with me and I really believe that she caused me harm by acting the way she did. It's terrible that patients actually have to insist on these checks - its fairly basic stuff . Having said that, the GPs and neuro I saw subsequently have been excellent - thorough and professional. I'm just sorry I had bad luck and saw this person in the first place.