View Full Version : indigestion?!

28-05-08, 01:21
quick ques. does anyone know if indigestion is common amongst people with anxiety, and does anybody regularly get it!!
its driving me insane!!! ive never had it this bad in my life. the only things i can think to ''blame'' it on is anxiety and/or propranalol.
its so scary too, always think its a heart attack (chest pain etc) :scared15:

let me know!! your thoughts, your experiences, your treatments.
many thanks


28-05-08, 01:51
Yeah i have it kinda right now....
It feels like a pain in my left boob, very irritating. Sometimes I take zantac. To be honest though, that probably doesn't help, cause it is probably not physical.
I never know if something is physical or a panic.
Not much help, hugs anyway.
Toast x

28-05-08, 02:59
Hi xLJx,:)

I had indigestion with chest pain a lot a while back. I would get very anxious about it as well - thinking it was the start of a heart attack. I haven't had it much at all this last few months - I think that this could be because I have not worried about it to the same extent. All the best xx :bighug1:

28-05-08, 06:47
I could write a book on indigestion. For many years I suffered agonies with it and I couldn't eat as much as a crisp after 7pm. I would wake up in the night with the perspiration running down my face and a horrific pain in my chest. If it hadn't been for the fact that I am a nurse and knew different I would have thought I was having a heart attack.

I use to prop myself up in bed at night and even borrowed a bed rest. The pain would go on for hours. Some times I would get it in the day time, once I had it from 4pm -11pm and the pain was so bad that I spend the whole time walking and rubbing my chest.

I had a endoscopy to look into my stomach to check to see if I had a hiatus hernia which I hadn't. I had a blood test to see if it was caused by Helicobacter pylori (it wasn't). Then they found it was caused by too much acid being produced by the stomach and I have to take Lansoprazole daily (it really helps).

It must be genetic as my daughter suffers from it as does my sister.

Fingers crossed you don't have any more problems with it.:)

28-05-08, 07:09
I get it on and off although i now know its not really indigestion, mine is the symptoms of my panic attack, i have learnt to calm down alittle if i get it although i get many others symptoms now which still trigger the anxiety. I used to still take an indigestion tablet which seemed to help.

It does pass. x

28-05-08, 07:46
I get it on and off although i now know its not really indigestion, mine is the symptoms of my panic attack, i have learnt to calm down alittle if i get it although i get many others symptoms now which still trigger the anxiety. I used to still take an indigestion tablet which seemed to help.

It does pass. x


28-05-08, 09:54
I'm currently having treatment for it. Started about 3 weeks ago with a horrid knotted feeling, that's eased a little but I still have that bloated, full up feeling all the time. Had bloods done last week - all clear, just waiting for the H.Pylori one to come back.

Yesterday had an upper abdominal ultra-sound done which checked my liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, gall-bladder - all fine.

I too am currently on lansoprazole which does help, however I'd like to know what's causing it. Perhaps I'll have the endoscopy next, depends how it goes after taking the tablets for a month.

I know stressing about it doesn't help but it's tricky not to :wacko:

29-05-08, 00:14
glad the tests went well, and that people are getting help for it - maybe thats my next move. I just hate the doctors!! (as many of us do)
eurgh, i hope its nothing serious.

but i know thinking about it, makes you notice it more and can make it worse.
ill have to try and relax!!!

thanks everyone, :D your all a real inspiration and help.

29-05-08, 08:34
glad the tests went well, and that people are getting help for it - maybe thats my next move. I just hate the doctors!! (as many of us do)
eurgh, i hope its nothing serious.

but i know thinking about it, makes you notice it more and can make it worse.
ill have to try and relax!!!

thanks everyone, :D your all a real inspiration and help.

I think the worse thing is that we really focus on it and spend most waking moments thinking if it's still there :wacko:

Get yourself off to the doctor and get some help, it's not fair to keep putting yourself through the discomfort.

18-07-12, 19:23
I have been through a rough time lately, my father-in-law died a couple ofmonths back and the whole thing was very stressfull for all of us, a few weeks ago i stated feeling very tense and would find myself tensed up without realising, i stated being constipated and when i ate i got bloated and had indigestion, i went to the docs and he sent me for a blood test, they took three tubes for different reasons i guess, i went back last week and all my bloods came back normal, but he told me i had Helicobactor pylori, he put me on a weeks course of multiple anti biotics and lanzaporole, i have a day left to take and the course is done, but i am still getting bloated, especially after meals, i have very bad anxiety at the moment and i am breathing very shallow and i can feel myself swallowing air as i exhale, if i can get myself to calm down and breath normally it isn't so bad, are all the bloods being normal a good sign? can this all be anxiety related?

22-07-12, 00:36
anxiety definitely causes digestion problems. i recently ended up going to A&E with terrible stomach pain and was diagnosed with gastritis. I have been on lansaprazole for a month, ate bland food and drank lots of water. I stopped having the meds and still had pain so started taking peppermint capsules and started doing relaxation and yoga. I got the gastritis after my partner left me and i lost my job and got completely stressed and depressed. If you want to feel better with indigestion start relaxing and watch your diet as well as taking advice from your doctor
good luck