View Full Version : Sun Hivez...please help again...

28-05-08, 01:50
Yeah so apparently this year I've got skin issues, as you can tell by the other Hive thread I posted. I got a really nice red sunburn yesterday from swimming and my top bits are fine (red and hot, but fine) but my legs are all rashy and hivey and quite red and feel kinda fat, not exactly swollen but tight and a little big. Or maybe it's my imagination on that last part but I'm scared of my legs swelling up and I don't know, cutting off circulation or something and everything turning blue and such fun like that. I was sitting cross-legged for only a little while, got up and I felt my circulation coming back strongly like I'd been sitting forever right on my nerves...*cry* Anyway it looks like a sunburn except splotchy and looks very much like uctaria (sp?) and itches madly.

It's happened before last year, my knees were exposed to the hot Florida sun and I broke out there too. But not this bad and not my entire legs. Ugh, this is what I get for swimming a long time. I used a lot of sunscreen too and got burnt anyway!

EDIT: Okay, I'm done panicking, I checked out the forum and I think I may have Prickly Heat? The ones on my arms are like little tiny wee blisters that are sometimes red, and the ones on my legs are only where the sun touched them (a nice white line where my shorts were lol) and are red and VERY ITCHY, and feel a little warm to the touch (not my arms though, it's not bad there.) This is the first big sun exposure I had this year (I went swimming a couple days ago but only for a short time and I think I had better sunscreen). I'm very light-skinned in my legs (no color at all lol). My arms probably had more protection cause I'm tanned a bit up there.

28-05-08, 10:45

a couple of weeks ago we had a lovely hot week of sun. I am very pale & use ivory (might as well be whitewash!! lol) foundation, you know, the palest on the shelf :) . Anyway, on one of these sunny days, my Mother called to see how I was doing (off work with GAD). We only sat in the sun for an hour & boy did I pay for it. I looked like I had been slapped really hard & my poor chest was scarlet. The following two days, my chest came up in bumps & blisters. I think it was because I never see much sun, no sun screen, & also it could be the medication making me react more strongly to the sun.

Chin up. :D