View Full Version : Uh oh...Chickenpox

28-05-08, 02:48
My 18 year old brother has it. I've never had it (I'm 21.) Sooo I might be getting it.
I've had a major fear of it, ever since I was a little kid, that was pretty much the first thing I ever had Health Anxiety about, so as you can imagine I am completely and totally freaking out right now. Reading about all the possible complications isn't helping.
I've had the vaccination, but my brother had it too, and he's still got sick! Thing is, we both had one vaccination in 2001, but after Googling I realised we should've had 2 shots a month apart, so I asked the Doctor and they gave me another shot in 2004. My brother didn't have another vaccination.
So, will it make any difference that I had the 2 injections? Or because it wasn't a month apart, am I just as likely to get it now?
What am I meant to do now, just wait to get sick? Ahhhhh I hate this.

28-05-08, 08:00
Hi. I had the injections and still got chickenpox - twice! Hopefully you won't get it, but if you do, use plenty of calamine lotion to stop the itching. Don't scratch the spots even if you have to wear cotton gloves at home & at night. You'll be fine!

28-05-08, 08:37
I think, and have been told and hey I hope this is true as well cause the thought of getting chicken pox scares me silly, is that if you have the injections then you may still catch it but it won't be as bad as if it was without the injection. And apparently, I haven't tested this out but the 2 injections are a better coverage than the one.

I was vaccinated last year (had the 2 a month apart) as a friend of mine who was pregnant got chicken pox, she had the injection but didn't get it in time as she had been infected already but it wasn't to bad.

hopefully it's going to be ok, I know load of ppl who have chicken pox 20+ and they are all fine, my uncle even caught it at 40, now thats got to suck

28-05-08, 09:15
Thanks guys, I hope it will be ok :( Is there anything I can do, at this point, to stop it from being so bad if/when I do get it? Because it's probably already in me, waiting to come out.

Meanwhile, my brother is now in hospital!! They think he may have complications, meningitis or fluid on his brain! Tell me, what the heck was the vaccination for, if this is still happening?

28-05-08, 10:12
I know the coverage is only 85% after the first year, but I hope your brother is going to be ok!!!

People who have had chicken pox still go on to catch it again so thats kind of tells you what good a vacination is....I am stressed about catching it as my son is bound to get it at some stage! I think the only thing you can do is go to your doctor and they can give you something for the chicken pox not sure what it is called that they give you but they can treat it if you are at risk of complications, if you are worried speak to them about it!

28-05-08, 11:26
Thanks. I think I'll go to the Doctor as soon as possible if I get it, it's so weird though meanwhile, just waiting to get sick and not being able to do anything to stop it.
I dunno if it would be better if I got it now, rather than in 10 years time if I have kids by then...but I just don't want it, ever!

28-05-08, 11:45

i have not had chickenpox befor eather (it is a big fear of mine to )
my little girl had it errm i think 2 years ago now and i didnt get it i was shocked as i was with her the whole time so fingers crossed you wont get it eather :hugs:

jodie xx