View Full Version : Panic Attacks out of the blue..postpardum?

28-05-08, 06:52
Hi, i am new here i am so glad to have come upon this website. a month after having my son i experienced my first panic attack, i was eating something and started to choke which braught me to have a pani attack which i then was hyperventalating, i had never heard of a panic attack before and thought i was having a heart attack and dialed 911. that was 5 months ago and i have been dealing with anxiey and panic attacks on a daily basis since then. ive had my blood sugar and cholestral checked, an EKG, ultrasound of my heart and a heart moniter and everything has checked fine. i am constanly worried and scared their is something wrong with my health. my biggest fear is i am going to have a heart attack, go blind, deaf or die. i was perscribed zoloft and 5 days into it the side effects where worse then the panic attacks themselves so i quit taking them. so i am just trying to deal with this one day at a time, some days i have a good day and some i will have a bad day. these anxiety and panic has really comeout of the blue. could it have stemed from just having a baby.. i am not depressed however have dealt with depression on and off since i was a kid. however life is great for me and i couldnt be happier. except for this, if it were not for this i would feel on top of the world right now. I just wish i could go back to the normal days where i am not checking my pulse constantly or feeling so nervouse and anxious all the time

28-05-08, 07:34
Hi Mommy
I to suffer grom panic attacks and anxiety, that came out of the blue for me last year after having a really bad back for 16 weeks, At times ive really thought this is it im dying, not funny. I dont take any meds ive found the best thing that helps me is this site and also books by DR CLAIRE WEEKES, the best money ive ever spent give them a try mommy im sure that they will help you

28-05-08, 07:52
Hi there, yes me too! I wrote a post almost just like yours yesterday. Severe panic/ health anxiety post baby. Came out of nowhere, and I don't feel sad, just scared...... so don't feel I fit the typical post-natal depression thing. It's totally weird. My baby is nearly seven months, and I am still pretty nuts! Good luck! xx

28-05-08, 17:00
Hi Mommy,

Really agree with Polly's post - Dr claire weekes method makes a lot of sense and it works. I did find her tapes a lot better than the books. You can downlaod one of her tapes from the website below ( no charge !):


Her basic idea is that it's our fear of our fears that creates more adrenalin which makes the initial panic feelings grow and grow. Once you have the courage to dive into your feelings and not be afraid of them they will slowly start to diminish. The adrenals in biology are called the fight or flight glands and they create adrenalin when we internally fight or try to flee from our feelings. The trick is to neither fight or flee form the strong feelings and then you stop producing more and more adrenalin and the panic stops. Facing and accepting feelings in a soft not hard way is one of the big lessons I had to learn when I had my panic attacks.


28-05-08, 17:04
:hugs: Hi Sounds like post-natal depression although don't know if thats what you call it in the states.. You do need to see your doctor though and get professional help..
Not sure if the advice given in England would be the same..

30-05-08, 21:51
I would say yes, my panic attacks started and severe health anxiety 7 weeks after having my baby and i was NOT depressed, couldnt be happier with my baby,

got better but am having a really difficult time with the panick again now,feel it every single day in some form of physical symptom and convinced im gonna die.

I feel that hormones are to blame,lol

Char xxx