View Full Version : thoughts can be so distressing!

11-04-05, 12:56

still having problems with this whole breathing thing but i do understand that it must be due to anxiety. still cant seem to figure out whats supposed to feel normal wen breathing through my nose as still trying to feel for air going into it but cant!!!!!!!!! such a distressing thought. feel like im all light and not in my body but guess thats down to the DP. it feels like my nose has went soft or it isnt there and the air feels always warm!!! kinda chlostrophobic

11-04-05, 13:09

I replied to your other post.

What relaxation are you doing to help yourself?


11-04-05, 13:15
i have relaxation cd's and just trying to watch tv and that to take my mind off of it but nothing seems to be :( its a weird feeling why am i trying to feel for air go up my nose? have u any other suggestions on what i should be doing?

11-04-05, 14:27
hi caz

This might be a really daft suggestion but it might help try wetting the bottom of your nostrils LOL this sounds so bad, if you do that you will be able to feel the air going in and out and know you are breathing properly, hey its worth a try LOL

hope you feel better soon take care,

kairen x

11-04-05, 15:16
I think you could try exercising as when you have done enough to need to breathe deeply you'll feel that breath then, and you can then notice how the feelings change as you calm down your breathing to a normal gentle pace.

**trying to feel for air going into it but cant**
**the air feels always warm**

These seem to contradict themselves a bit..

Keep going Caz- it sis only a stuck thought with no basis at all and it will go as you practice ignoring it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-04-05, 16:19
hi Caz,

I don't normally find watching tv very relaxing because My mind often wanders. Try doing something that involves a bit more thinking as this will stop your mind from worrying..

Sarah :D

11-04-05, 16:39
its so exhausting thinking about this and frustrating to! ill try to focus on sumthin if i can thanx for your replies

11-04-05, 16:49
Anything that involves thinking should work - pretty soon your mind will forget all about your worries..:D

11-04-05, 22:42
Hi Caz,

In the past I have had strage feelings in my nose and I find it very hard to explain. One time I had a smell at the top of my nose but it was also at the back of my mouth. No one on here new what it was. I read a book which a man explained that he had the same feeling and said he could smell fear. How strange is that.
The haredest thing to do is to change your thoughts when dealing with Mr Panic and Mrs Anxiaty, but it can be done. Today I am 98% better most days 100% and its all down to this site and the special people on here.
What worked for me was each morning I would give myself thoughts for the day. It could be anything as long as the thoughts were positive ones,
like what would I do if I won the lotto what would I spend the money on.
I would even plan my daughters wedding in my head, what shops I would go to where we would have the reception, I found that funny beceause she is only 11 LOL. At first it was very hard because I could only last for a few mins then Mrs Anxiaty would jump back in with one of her symptoms. I would write dowm at least 5 positive thoughts for the day. As each day, weeks past I found that I could last longer with my postive thoughts. It is very hard to take are thoughts away from the symptom Mrs Anxiaty is giving you but believe me it CAN be done.
Caz start here, read your post there somethig positive in your post,
you say the air feels warm, so you CAN feel air going up you nose.
Mrs Anxiaty can play tricks on all of us. You have the most powerfull tool to beat this and that is your thoughts, you CAN beat this Caz.
These days I still get some symptoms in my nose and other symptoms of anxiaaty but because I do not fear them they do not last for long.
As you learn to distract your mind even if its only for a few mins your are allready moving forward and as I have said as each day passes it WILL get easy.


Believe it can be done.
When you believe something can be done
really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it.
Believing a solution paves the way to a salution.