View Full Version : worrying about tumour

28-05-08, 08:44
I have these strange sensations in my head which are really difficult to explain but it's a bit like pressure at the back of my head that almost feels like something is crawling around too. The weird thing is that it happens more when I am sat at my computer with my left elbow on the desk and my chin resting in my left hand, as soon as I move from that position it goes away. It does happen at other times too when I'm not in any particular position. I am so scared that I have a tumour in my neck or spine. I have already been to my GP 4 weeks ago because 3 nights in a rown I woke up with left side of my head and face numb, once I moved in bed the numbness went. My GP examined me and told me I definitely didn't have a brain tumour and that I had a trapped nerve. I wasn't at that point experiencing the sensations that I am now. Does anyone else have anything like this, I feel so scared and panicky and I go on holiday soon and I'm not looking forward to it because I feel so anxioous all the time.

28-05-08, 08:53
It does sound like a trapped nerve. I have arthritis in my neck which according to my doctor nips the blood supply to my brain causing me to have vertigo so don't go worrying that you have a brain tumour.:)