View Full Version : Back again - Testicular cancer update

28-05-08, 16:34
Hi all

Those of you who may remember I made a series of posts over the past 2 months about my fear I had testicular cancer brought on by a pain in my left testicle.

Well i've had a rough couple of weeks because just days before my scheduled ultrasound I noticed a small bump near the top of my right testicle to add to the pain in my left. This put me up the wall with worry but I figured anything would come up on the ultrasound. Well, my ultrasound appointment was last week and got the results yesterday and it's came back all clear!

I am incredibly relieved but at the same time find myself questioning the results. I asked my doctor if the radiologist saw anything strange on my right testicle and he said there was nothing. I was hoping they had identified that it was a cyst or something so atleast I knew. Of course any rational person would relax now but I still find myself prodding away like before, thinking perhaps they have just missed something. I just cant seem to stop self checking and thinking the worst even after all my good news:mad:

28-05-08, 16:44
Great news worry guy i have an ultrasound scan on my kidneys on friday and i have everything crossed i hope that if i get the all clear i can put this behind me 6 long weeks of worry and pain not just for me but for my family infact i HAVE to put this behind me for the sake of my family im going for CBT in 2 weeks,do you go to CBT worry guy?

28-05-08, 16:51
:) Get a second opinion just to make sure... How does the doctor explain the lump ?? He/ she must have an idea of what it is just to put your mind at rest. Ask again because Doctors aren't always right..
GOOD LUCK... Keep us posted. Juanna

28-05-08, 17:06
Hi David, I know all the worry is an absolute curse, I have had this hanging over me for 2 and a half months and have just been plain miserable. Its good that your wait is nearly over, you should ask them at the end of the scan how it looks - I know they are not supposed to say but depending on who you get they may give you an idea - wouldn't worry if they dont though. I had to press the radiologist for an opinion and she eventually said to me theres no point in worrying so it sounded like it was good. Even if they do not give anything away call up your doc on the monday and push him to get the results, say your really anxious etc. It worked for me and I got them sooner - just leaves less time to worry :-D I havent been to CBT and it was never offered, im just hoping I can put this all behind me now.

Hi Juanne, yeah it's not really a lump as such, it comes and goes and isint instantly noticeable - the doc seems to think it is just a vein or part of the epididymis. This is the 2nd doc ive been through now lol - neither of them seem concerned and with the radiologist finding nothing wrong they would probably tell me to get lost! But it is still wearing away at me, part of me thinks it is because I have been obsessivelly checking myself that ive noticed a minor detail that may be perfectly normal. Just don't know what to think!

28-05-08, 18:23
Hi David, I know all the worry is an absolute curse, I have had this hanging over me for 2 and a half months and have just been plain miserable. Its good that your wait is nearly over, you should ask them at the end of the scan how it looks - I know they are not supposed to say but depending on who you get they may give you an idea - wouldn't worry if they dont though. I had to press the radiologist for an opinion and she eventually said to me theres no point in worrying so it sounded like it was good. Even if they do not give anything away call up your doc on the monday and push him to get the results, say your really anxious etc. It worked for me and I got them sooner - just leaves less time to worry :-D I havent been to CBT and it was never offered, im just hoping I can put this all behind me now.

Hi Juanne, yeah it's not really a lump as such, it comes and goes and isint instantly noticeable - the doc seems to think it is just a vein or part of the epididymis. This is the 2nd doc ive been through now lol - neither of them seem concerned and with the radiologist finding nothing wrong they would probably tell me to get lost! But it is still wearing away at me, part of me thinks it is because I have been obsessivelly checking myself that ive noticed a minor detail that may be perfectly normal. Just don't know what to think!

Leave them alone the doctor said they are fine. :)

28-05-08, 18:34
Thanks Trixie, I know your absolutely right!

I just seem to keep thinking about it constantly now, no doubt a result of the past two and a half months of anxiety. Think i'll try and just stop checking altogther for a while and see how that goes :D

28-05-08, 18:55
Thanks Trixie, I know your absolutely right!

I just seem to keep thinking about it constantly now, no doubt a result of the past two and a half months of anxiety. Think i'll try and just stop checking altogther for a while and see how that goes :D

I hope you are not checking them now?:D

28-05-08, 19:01
Hi Worryguy9,

It's great to hear that you have been given such positive news.
Now for the hard part,lol.
Nothing will change for you until YOU change.
Constant checking can become an almost automatic reaction from you.This is Learned Behaviour.You have to learn now not to do this..to react differently to what your head is telling you.So start thinking about ways to distract yourself so that you don't go down the same road again.Challenge your Anxiety-the proof of your test results will help with this.
Believe in yourself and your ability to change.
Best wishes,

28-05-08, 19:07
This is how all my problems began mate!!

I found a lump in one of my old boys last summer...went to the GP who had a play and said I needed a scan, he then said it would be about a month!! Well, I totally freaked...Googled it and convinced myself I was a goner...had just finished the Lance Armstrong book as well. After about 4 days which where a nightmare I went and had the scan done privatly...result was all clear!! The radiographer advised me no lumps showed and that lumps would only show if they had a mass to them (i.e could be nasty)...things like cysts, hydrocele and swollen epidiymus would not show.

WOO HOO....I was good to go, a clear scan and all would go back to normal!

Exactly a week after the scan I woke up to dizzyness, pins and needles, buzzing, fatigue and twitching....the GP (all 10 of them I kid you not) have said anxiety but Google (you would have thought I would have learnt) said MS or ALS...well, you get the picture, all my health anxiety started after this lump scare. I have totally burnt out my CNS by worrying over nothing for years and the lump just pushed me over the edge...this meant I was totally fixated on my health and these physical anxiety sensations meant I was dieing.

Well, there you go...that is how good old health anxiety got me into the loop, still have the sensations but I don't worry about them as much now...I suppose the MS terror lurks but I know logically it is anxiety so every couple of days I just have to reconvince myself!

edit: as an aside to this a different GP checked them again after the scan and said it was clear it was a swollen tube and not attached to the testicle and that he would never have said I needed a scan. So, all this is down to my over reaction to the first doctor and his harmless suggestion....the fire of anxiety begins with the simplest of things!

28-05-08, 19:11
Mind you it is good that you are all bothering to check them.

29-05-08, 08:40
I'm glad all is well and your results are clear :yesyes:

It's perfectly normal to feel as if they "made a mistake" or "missed something". This is because our brain has been on high alert and now that everything is over and ok, it takes time for the brain to re-adjust and calm down.

I went through something similar when I found a lump in my breast. Everything turned out fine but I still felt very anxious that they had made a mistake. I even called the x-ray department at the hospital and explained my fears. She exlained that the radiologists are very experienced and know exactly what they are looking for.

I think it took about 3 weeks for my brain to finally accept things :wacko:

Now, leave your bits and pieces alone and try and relax - you're fine :hugs:

02-06-08, 07:34
Hi worryguy :)

It's nothing to worry about, yours docs have said it's fine so it's fine :)

I know how hard it is not to worry, just try to poke them less :P Or you WILL get sore and worry more.

You'll be fine chicken :)

Emz xx