View Full Version : Piles??? (Or something more sinister...here we go again...)

28-05-08, 17:16
Hello Guys

Sorry to post about such an issue that people don't like to discuss!!

Horrified today after going to loo for number 2 to find some blood on toilet paper (Said it wasn't nice!) - my botty has been hurting for a few days now, but not much, just a bit uncomfortable...

Anyway now I am on panic alert. Bowel cancer, piles?, Anal fissures.....

Since this happened I have then felt pain in my tummy all afternoon, prior to the finding, no pain.


28-05-08, 17:18
PS - Should I march to the docs on alert, should I wait a few days???? I don't want to be seen an a hypo, but then know I shouldn't ignore it...

28-05-08, 17:26
Sounds like piles to me and the doc can easily diagnose this with a simple examination.

Best get it checked.

28-05-08, 18:18
Can you feel anything with you fingers? (make sure your nails are short first)

28-05-08, 20:54

I think I have read that blood on the paper is normally piles or a fissure, especially if it is bright red fresh blood.

Hope that helps a bit


28-05-08, 20:58
Poor you, that is awful, although reassuringly most people with piles ;say they have found blood on the loo paper; so thats more than likely what you've got. Take a fibre supplement ; drink plenty of water & most importantly of all ;:) get it checked out by your doctor.. Don't forget to let us know how you get on.. Juanna

29-05-08, 04:53
Hello there ,

You would have had symptoms like bleeding for a very long time (years perhaps ) to even consider bowel cancer . I would speculate you have acquired a fissure ( break in the skin ) or piles . Nevertheless , a commonality
among young and middle age adults . Moreover as recommended , see your physician for some reassurance and he/she may possibly prescribe some cream/ointment for the issue .

Furthermore , use wet wipes or dampen your tissue when wiping to prevent irritation and pat dry . Sit in warm bath water with baking soda for 10-15 min
to soothe any pain in that region. Finally , as stated , drink lots of water , minimize alcohol , caffeine ( coffee , tea , coke ..) they drain water from the body and you don't want that ..., herbal teas are fine they relax and strengthen blood vessels , and consume lots green vegetables and fruits , thus the fiber . These foods should always be part of your diet as a means of prevention and to minimize any future irritating reoccurrences as these .
Also do not forget to add walking or some other forms of exercise , this is also complimentary in maintenance and prevention . Strengthens blood vessels , muscles , improves circulation ..... thus the aforementioned .

You will be fine , and on the road to recovery . :yesyes:
My apologies for the verbosity and hope the information is of assistance to you in your plight .

Regards ,

29-05-08, 05:20
Hi Fairy

If it's bright red blood like when you cut yourself, then it's prolly a pile. Can't tell ya how many times I've panicked about it, but I did have it checked out & it was a pile. I still have it so still get bleeding sometimes but now I know what it is, I don't worry.

Go to drs just to make sure.

Good luck, take care.


29-05-08, 07:44
Thanks guys! I will see if it is there over the weekend and then go to the docs Monday - can't get in till then anyway!. Thank you for all your reassuring replies - xxx

29-05-08, 14:01
Defo piles or anal fissures. I've had similar panics and my dad (a bowel surgeon, handily) said bright red blood on the loo paper when you wipe is rarely anything sinister. Piles are dead common.

30-05-08, 16:11
Now my stomach hurts too :( I'm getting really worried now.......

30-05-08, 16:18
That's just coincidental don't worry.:flowers:

30-05-08, 16:21
Hope so, going to see doc on Monday...... Thanks for your support xx

04-06-08, 22:48
Doc said it was probably just a small pile, although she couldn't see (or feel - gulp!!!) anything....

She said come back in a month if bleeding persists

OK, so I leave the docs and feel that's ok, but a few hours later I'm thinking................................what if it continues, does that mean it's cancer........oh dear

05-06-08, 06:18
No it doesn't.

I have some small piles:blush: and yet when I asked the doctor 4 years ago if he could see them (when I had a sigmoidoscopy he said no). But they have been seen since then and some times give me great pain.

So do not worry:)

05-06-08, 06:25
I found this

'The internal veins can become swollen to form internal haemorrhoids. Internal haemorrhoids, unless they are severe, cannot be seen or felt, unlike external haemorrhoids'

on here http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2821.htm

05-06-08, 20:00
Thanks Trixie! You're always on hand to make me feel better! Thanks for your support xxx

05-06-08, 21:17
Thanks Trixie! You're always on hand to make me feel better! Thanks for your support xxx

That's OK, I don't suffer from health anxiety so I can looks at things rationally also being an ex-nurse helps.:)